
DISA launches second NCES collaboration tool procurement

The agency also taps the Google-powered Intelink search tool for DOD-wide use.


Congress' acquisition priorities include GSA oversight

Congressional staff members said their committees will examine how civilian and defense agencies conduct acquisitions.


Bush order tightens IT environmental practices

An executive order Bush issued after his State of the Union address requires agencies to buy and use IT in an environmentally responsible manner.


Acquisition schools to share more curriculum

The Federal Acquisition Institute is phasing in more new courses to bring its offerings in line with those of the Defense Acquisition University.


European group chooses UBL for cross-border procurement standard

The Northern European Subset said UBL is the only specification that fits the need for an XML-based standard that covers the entire range of online procurement needs.


Doan 'elated' by SEWP decision

She said she changed her mind about OFPP's decision after she read Denett's letter to NASA explaining why its acquisition contract could continue.


GSA defends deal with Treasury

GSA will halve management fee, but only for some services.


IGs fault Interior for handling of DOD business

Two Interior contracting centers have failed in their responsibilities to act as “good stewards” of federal resources, according to a joint report of the DOD, DOI inspectors general.


DOD says no to massive IT acquisitions

Large systems integrators will have a role, but it won’t be to run proprietary systems.



Saluting a most honorable man; More GSA changes; Other movers.


Kelman: A missed opportunity

In a difficult time for government procurement, the group could have done much more.


Editorial: The devil's details

The SARA panel's report is a good starting point for the debate about the road map to a next-generation procurement system.


The Hill calls top procurement officials to testify

A Senate Armed Services Committee subcommittee has asked top federal procurement officials and experts to testify.


SaaS suppliers must educate fed buyers

Procurement shouldn't impede deployment of software as a service if federal buyers properly understand benefits.


DOD IG: Interagency contracting rife with problems

Defense procurements often go through GSA and other agencies without competition or price evaluations, auditors found.


Doan's contract misstep will bring more scrutiny, experts say

The GSA administrator tried to give a no-bid contract to a company founded and run by a longtime friend.


Congress begins to investigate Doan

The chairman of the House reform committee issued letters asking for documents on communications between Lurita Doan and the friend she tried to grant a no-bid contract to.


GSA deal with Treasury not part of a trend

GSA believes that Treasury's situation is unique, and the price-break deal between the agencies won't lead to other agencies demanding discounts.


Davis asks GAO to review SARA panel report

Rep. Tom Davis had required the review last November, when he was still chairman of the House Government Reform Committee.


IAC unveils Growing Business Conference

Lurita Doan, GSA administrator, will make the opening keynote address.