
Do Alaskan companies freeze out competitors?

Congress hears complaints, defense of ANC advantages.



DISA HQ loves its AC; Big bucks for the little guys; Big bucks for the big guys; Marine smarts finally recognized; Electronic DD214s?


Kelman: Contracting is a balancing act

Many people misunderstand the true nature of government/vendor relationships


Editorial: Doan’s early mark

Lurita Doan has served as GSA's administrator for only a few weeks, but there are a number of positive signs.


ITES-2S sequel features same cast of contractors

After a protest derailed original awards in April, Army chooses the same 11 companies to provide IT services.


ITAA: Improve background checks

The House Government Reform Committee is examining procedures for vetting applicants with foreign ties.


Emergency provisions added to FAR

The acquisition regulations now includes emergency procurement information in a single source to help agencies effectively respond to emergencies.


NOAA acquisition needs stronger oversight

GAO finds that the agency has improved acquisition oversight after a 2005 reorganization, but it still needs to make further refinements.


GSA names new citizen services head

David Bethel takes over for M.J. Pizzella, who left the agency last month.


Negroponte: Intell info-sharing plan due this month

The director of national intelligence also praised his office for taking other steps to improve information sharing.


DHS: EAGLE will solidify standards

Awarding of IDIQ contracts could signal a new phase in evolution of IT at DHS.


Web extra: The office

GSA offers its administrator one of the largest executive offices in the federal government.


Denett lays out priorities for OFPP

OFPP nominee cites training, clear standards as goals.


Doan: Restoring customer confidence is job one

The new administrator wants GSA to be the government’s premier procurement agency.


Interior center to bolster e-authentication services

The National Business Center seeks pre-solicitation for products and services to support HSPD-12, HR line of business.


Vets contract misses June deadline

GSA's Doan promises to hit the next mark in October.


Virginia to end tax ambiguity for contractors

Rules had made it difficult for companies to predict whether some contracts would be taxable.


GAO: Agencies are Networx-ready

However, at least two departments that GAO examined demonstrated significant deficiencies, according to a report.


FAR gives agencies EVM wiggle room

Agencies have discretion in determining when and how to apply earned value management, under the final acquisition rule.


Navy awards SI a spot on SeaPort-e contract

The integrator had previously participated in SeaPort-e as a subcontractor, but the prime contractor slot will enable it to increase its scope of activities.