
New Jersey picks Cingular

The wireless provider has signed a three-year deal with the Garden State.


Fairfax signs new GTSI contract

Two-year renewal continues commodity buys for national consortium


Forest Service ended year with A-76 savings

A review warns against offsetting the savings with spending increases outside the IT group.


GAO: E-invoicing could reduce DOD late payments

Small businesses, which are paid late more often than bigger companies, stand to gain the most from more timely payments.


IT whacked in Defense Authorization bill

A frustrated House committee cuts funding for programs it says are poorly managed.


Agencies want eco-friendly tech

The EPEAT standard identifies suitable purchases.


China computer deal could threaten State security

Rep. Wolf says the purchase of Lenovo computers also poses a risk to other departments' classified networks.


Panel sees benefits of performance-based contracting

In a list of 10 recommendations, the Acquisition Advisory Panel says OMB should ditch a unilateral quota and set agency-specific targets.


Bush rescinds order that created CIO Council

Office of Management and Budget says the old executive order's provisions are now part of the E-Government Act.


Fortress on the Hill

Capitol Visitor Center has 580,000 square feet underground, but officials won’t say whether it is a congressional bunker


Senate schedules Doan hearing

GSA administrator nominee will face Senate questions soon.


Protests put brakes on ITES

GAO expects to rule on objections from 5 firms by August.


GSA gets buyout nod

Troubled procurement agency can now offer early-outs to as many as 395 employees.


John Johnson picked for critical role at GSA

Agency veteran will take acting leadership role at GSA’s Integrated Technology Services.


Courtland: Focusing on the future

GSA's value proposition of the future ought to capitalize on past successes


Government increasingly outsources business intelligence work

More agencies are turning to third-party data brokers to mitigate risks.


UPDATED: Standard will identify 'green' computers

The Environmental Protection Agency announced a voluntary manufacturing standard this week that will help computer buyers select eco-friendly products.


UPDATED: GSA official looks to better times ahead

John Johnson reminds industry of upcoming draft RFPS that will provide an opportunity for dialogue.


SRA captures Army task order

SRA International has landed a task order worth up to $16.6 million to provide technical services for a system that manages military firing ranges.


Panasonic extends partner program

Panasonic had maintained an exclusive arrangement with GTSI in the federal market, but this month the company extended its partner program.