
Board urges more contracting training

Effective contracting has become a major concern because of a federal outlay for contract spending that is now more than $328 billion a year.


Johnson to head GSA's Integrated Technology Services

John Johnson came to the General Services Administration in 2000 after working in telecommunications policy and oversight positions at the Defense Department.


IG tells FAA to rethink telecom program

Agency told to develop a new schedule and consider terminating the FTI program


Davis demands more attention to GSA

Congressman expresses approval of Doan nomination


Vets battle for more contract wins

A new GWAC could bring more business to some vet-owned companies.


GSA gets authority to offer early-outs and buyouts

Move is one of several measures GSA is taking in an effort to address the faltering business performance of some divisions.


OPM awards retirement systems modernization contract

Systems modernization will eliminate multiple interim annuity payments and deliver retiring federal employees their payment on the day it is due.


SRA protests $19B Army pact

Integrator is on two of the winning teams but is protesting its loss of a bid to be a prime contractor on an Army contract.


UPDATED: Senate committee OKs GSA modernization bill

Approval brings the agency closer to revitalizing itself amid large challenges.


The next bright idea

The roles government and industry play in innovative research have changed dramatically. Will America continue to lead the world in innovation?


GAO urges more oversight of Alaska Native Corporations

SBA must step up its oversight of such entities to ensure that the designation is not abused, a new GAO report states.


DOD halts security clearance checks

ITAA and PSC want the Defense Department to reconsider its decision to stop processing contractor clearances.


OFPP targets acquisition training, emergency procurement

Burton says the Acquisition Workforce Initiative is the most important one under way at the office.


DHS seeks industry financing help

Alternative financing options could be an important business strategy for would-be DHS contractors.


Davis: Government needs to share

He said the federal government is weak in sharing information, taking action to meet challenges and investing in federal employees.


Denett's nomination sent to Senate

Doan and Portman also require confirmation.


In-Q-Tel head resigns

Just months after taking the position to lead CIA ventures, Yoran unexpectedly steps down, citing a desire to be home more.


Risky business

Government-funded venture capital firms are sparking agency innovation.


Denett earns OFPP nomination

President Bush also nominates a new OMB director


Kelman: Dancing in the hallways

Denett, the Bush administration’s nominee for OFPP, is the right person at the right time.