
New bill would grant CIOs greater authority

Legislation being drafted by House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa would clarify the CIO's role, and enact several other reforms.


DOD interpreting labor rate cap too strictly, group claims

A law requires Defense agencies to try to keep labor and overhead rates charged by contractors to 2010 levels, but a contractor advocate says the department has more leeway than it realizes.


FAS commissioner position is open

In a shuffling of positions, Steve Kempf will return from medical leave to a new job within GSA, and the agency seeks a new leader for its acquisition service.


OFPP head encourages 'hard line' against unscrupulous contractors

Agencies are investing more in suspension and debarment programs and have taken action more often in recent years on questionable contractors, Joe Jordan says.


The Navy's Elliott Branch: Getting a good deal for government.

An award honors an innovator in federal procurement, pointing to the priorities of our time.


OFPP lets DOD deal with pricing complexities first

Officials have to make a judgment call on whether to take the lower price now and potentially pay more later on when problems arise from minimal quality work.


Kay Kapoor leaves Accenture

Accenture installs an interim head for its federal sector business unit as its leader steps down.


Battlefield rotations could be bad for contract management

In war zones, contract personnel are often just getting familiar with their work when it's time to go home.


Data-sharing is good ... when agencies do it right

Agencies understand the importance of sharing information, but it still can be difficult to do well. Two new reports document some of the reasons.


After VA, Maurice Stewart joins the Ambit Group

Stewart led Veterans Affairs Department efforts to improved communications and transform its relationship with suppliers.


GSA's SAM continues to frustrate its users

One system frustrates an entire community of federal agencies and government contractors.


GSA may lower some contract surcharges for agencies

With a surplus on hand in the GSA Schedules program, the time may be ripe for restructuring the fees, according to GSA's leader.


Tangherlini to centralize GSA's IT, people management

GSA's CIO could gain considerable new influence under restructuring plan, acting administrator tells Senate panel.


NIH makes leadership adjustments at technology acquisition center

IT contracting program director takes on a new role.


Administration amps up strategic sourcing push

Concerned that agencies are slow to adopt strategic sourcing approaches, administration officials are turning up the heat -- and hinting that a mandate may be coming.


GOP platform signals possible shift in contractor fortunes

The outcome of the presidential election could herald a renewal of the insourcing/outsourcing debate.


Are small-business set-asides helping?

After nearly 35 years of small-business contracting goals, it's worth asking how the set-asides are doing in delivering the intended results.


Do small-business preferences make the grade?

Agencies labor mightily to hit small-business contracting targets, but the emphasis on score cards overshadows some larger questions about set-asides.


Council steps up importance of contractor performance in proposed rule change

Regulators want to change the rules for documenting contractor past performance, with an eye in particular to the treatment of subcontractors.


'Byzantine warren of fiefdoms' makes contracting fraud hard to stop

Data standards could protect taxpayers against deliberate fraud in federal contracting, argues an agency inspector general.