
Analysis: Some long-term contracts put government at a disadvantage

Officials often dramatically extend or modify short-term, fixed-price contracts, risking cost overruns, delivery delays and diminished product quality even for simple products and services, scholars conclude.


Are wartime innovation principles relevant after the war?

Joint explosives organization faces an uncertain post-Afghanistan future, but its CIO hopes that the culture it created will survive and continue to serve the government.


GSA awards cloud-based email BPAs

Purchase agreements went to 17 companies, four of which are small businesses.


VA to direct more money to service-disabled vets

VA officials intend to boost their contract awards to veterans.


More VA spending goes under investigation

The House Veterans' Affairs Committee interest doesn't stop in Orlando.


DISA, GSA round out SATCOM business model

The agencies award a $2.6 billion contract as part of the Future Commercial Satellite Communications Services Acquisition program.


Federal officials push for greater info protection

A proposed rule would obligate contractors to provide protective measures for information provided by or generated for the government.


Does Congress have time to change contingency contracting?

As agencies choose to disregard recommendations, members of Congress consider ways to enact the changes anyway.


GSA schedules Twitter chat for cloud broker idea

The General Services Administration takes another step to foster dialog on an idea for better cloud service provision.


Treasury wants more women, minorities as contract employees

The Treasury Department is considering adding a clause to future contracts encouraging contractors to have more women and minorities among their employees.


Analyst: Brace yourself for a busier-than-ever federal 'busy season’

Federal agencies’ natural tendency to spend more in the final months of a fiscal year has been amplified in recent years, and this year features new factors that could push it higher -- or knock it down.


DOD falters on cyber-purchasing plan

A program intended to speed up the acquisition of technology is falling behind schedule, according to reports.


DHS considers rule change to protect subcontractors

The Homeland Security Department is suggesting changes to the Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation designed to prevent 'windfalls' for contractors.


Senator not done questioning VA on conference costs

Follow-up questions on VA's conference costs include a basic one: Just how much did VA spend?


Performance management challenge: It's the (fiscal) environment, stupid.

Do agencies have too much to deal with already to do justice to OMB's latest performance management revisions?


Is Tangherlini getting traction or spinning his wheels?

The acting GSA administrator has been applauded for his aggressive review of agency spending. But can he bring lasting change?


How a few words could change small-business set-aside picture

The Obama administration is trying to change some wording in the acquisition rules make it easier to set aside R&D solicitations.


Lack of clearance reciprocity costs millions, survey shows

Contractors say they could fulfill their duties more efficiently and save the government money if security clearances were accepted more broadly.


GSA's proposed cloud brokerage grabs industry attention

There have been so many responses to a recent RFI that GSA has extended the deadline to allow for more, agency says.


Will less federal spending really mean fewer jobs?

Conventional wisdom holds that federal budget cuts lead to less spending on contracts and, therefore, to job declines. Is that really true?