
Networx: A vision for the future

As GSA designs the next big network services contract, a veteran of the development and management of Networx and FTS 2001 has some advice to offer.


GSA looks to a future of everything as a service

GSA is interested in moving everything it can to a service model.


Networx: A gauge of its flexibility

After aiding in an agency transition to Networx, consultant Cedric Sims takes stock of the contract's progress so far.


Contract considerations to include treatment of other companies

The Obama administration wants procurement officials to consider how companies treat their business partners as a factor in making contract decisions.


GAO can't solve the 'who's cheaper' debate

So who makes more, feds or private-sector workers? What's the better deal, contracting work or using federal employees? GAO says it doesn't know either. Why are these questions so challenging?


Networx: A look at its origins

The government has undertaken three major telecom transitions, columnist Bob Woods writes, and there are important lessons to be learned from each of them.


GSA spends $270k for music, food and picture frames at awards ceremony

GSA's event spending has once again put the agency in Congressional crosshairs -- this time over a $270,000 award ceremony, complete with a violinist and 4,000 elaborate picture frames. This time, however, the agency's leadership may be ahead of the lawmakers.


Mis-measuring Networx progress

Some say the General Services Administration has the wrong number when it comes to assessing agencies’ speed in moving to the Networx telecom program.


GSA's 5 steps to directing customer traffic

GSA officials are building a more flexible Multiple Award Schedules program by directing suppliers to those schedules customers use most often.


House trims, then passes, DOD spending bill

As lawmakers passed the defense appropriations bill in the late hours of July 19, they put new scrutiny on the department's spending and cut the actual amount appropriated.


GSA's acting administrator is no mere placeholder

Dan Tangherlini is taking some bold steps at GSA, pushing to improve the agency with tougher oversight and an eye on every penny spent. Does his temporary status jeopardize his chances of making a lasting change?


GSA hopes OASIS dries up duplication

Some changes to contracting could save the government a substantial amount of money -- if GSA is right about the potential of a planned new set of contracts called OASIS.


GSA considers cloud brokerage

As cloud computing continues to challenge traditional procurement processes, GSA is on the lookout for new ideas.


Reverse auction house names new senior officer

FedBid names new officer to leads its efforts in its expanding marketplace.


How to think about new policy proposals – feedback on my feedback

Steve Kelman responds to criticism with some ideas on the most productive ways to think about policy proposals.


CBO predicts defense cost overruns

The DOD disputes a prediction that it will overspend its budget over the next five years, but calls for Congress to allow it more freedom to take cost-cutting measures.


How to make acquisition part of the solution

New OFPP Administrator Joe Jordan talks about making the most of the government's buying power and how to provide cutting-edge solutions for agencies while still maintaining oversight.


Was the GSA scandal really scandalous?

Columnist Steve Kelman wonders whether agencies might be justified in spending money on lavish conferences.


For DOD, trust may be the key to cost savings

Unraveling a bureaucracy built on suspicion could be part of the cure for DOD's ills, study suggests.


Leveraging buying power: A lesson from the private sector

A purchasing group in a family of companies shows the government how it's done.