
Agencies told to ensure subcontractors get prompt payments

OMB is asking agencies to report on their progress at speeding up payments.


Prompt payments may become contract selection factor

The Obama administration uses federal contracts to get money to small subcontractors faster.


Suspension, debarment could turn more punitive under proposal

The FAR says that suspension and debarment are to be used only to protect the government, but the Labor Department is considering using them to penalize companies for disregarding Labor rules.


8 best bets for contractors to survive sequestration

As sequestration looms on the horizon, here are some ways government contractors can best prepare.


Obama's accountability board lays out streamlining strategy

The board aims to keep track of the government's money by linking systems together.


A new way to use past performance in contracting

Steve Kelman offers an innovation for past-performance data.


Treasury to set up Internet Payment Platform

Department officials wants to make payment processing easier for federal employees and federal contractors.


New rule could force inexperienced contractors onto agency projects

A proposed rule change intended to protect private-sector jobs could affect agency work, group fears.


White House, committee spar over acquisition workforce training funds

The Obama administration and a House committee are fighting over workforce development fund.


DISA awards $578M contract to company with history of fraud

DISA's recent contract award to Red River includes services similar those the company was once fined for failing to provide, but a key executive involved in the charges is no longer with the firm.


Agencies fail, again, to meet small-business contracting goals

Small businesses received $91.5 billion in prime contracts last year, falling short of the percentage supposed to go to them.


How to make a win/win for agencies and small business

The new OFPP has an opportunity to improve small-business contracting and help agencies meet their missions at the same time, writes Steve Kelman.

Digital Government

A faster, better, cheaper way to do high-tech procurement?

Some experts question whether RFP-EZ is the right way to go about fixing the government’s IT procurement problems.


GAO: Funding ambiguity hinders hiring

Delays in collecting and then distributing workforce-support money causes uncertainty about spending the money to aid the acquisition workforce.


GSA IG gets $10M budget bump to watch travel, conference costs

The House Appropriations Committee has commended the IG with a $68 million budget for the coming year.


Meeting Joe Jordan

The new OFPP administrator has "a Boy Scoutish enthusiasm for trying to improve things," Steve Kelman writes.


Small firms 'stiffed' on subcontracts, survey says

The fault though can lie with both the prime contractor and the agency, if there is a fault at all.


4 challenges accompanying modular development

When developing a project in smaller bits, agencies create certain challenges that integrated project teams need to think about in the earliest stages.


OMB's effort to dispel bad information takes a new step

Agencies that adopt the OMB policy will foster greater collaboration with industry by linking program officials with private-sector experts to solve problems, writes columnist Dan Chenok.


Defense bill dilutes agencies' business judgment, experts say

The government has invested money in training and rebuilding an acquisition workforce that has strong business prowess, but proposed rules could hinder the employees' business decisions.