Digital Government

8 ways to align acquisition to IT's pace

OMB offered checklist of recommendations for agencies to align their acquisition practices to modular contracting for IT.

Digital Government

Federal IT forecast: Brace for impact

Sequestration and other hurdles pose challenges for federal IT, but it's not all bad news.


Senators back off call for automatic contractor suspensions

Proposals to require agencies to automatically suspend companies accused of wrongdoing have been softened in latest version of a bill.


GSA job security could increase with schedules revisions

Terminating contracts might seem like a job killer, but some experts predict the opposite effect.


Is GSA stuck with proprietary numbering system?

Dun & Bradstreet provides unique identifiers used to designate businesses in contract coding, and GSA would like more freedom than it now has.


Déjà vu all over again

Although the concerns have morphed a bit, the government is still struggling to address the challenges FCW highlighted in our first issues back in 1987.


Could penalties for frivolous protests protect agencies?

Companies that develop a habit of filing protests without merit should pay for it, expert recommends.


Think small business when buying small things

Administration puts more emphasis on increasing contracts with small businesses.


Tom Davis: A reformer on the Hill

Former Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.) focused Congress' attention on acquisition reforms.


Steve Kelman: A passion for procurement reform

The former OFPP administrator led the bipartisan effort during the Clinton administration to change the way the government acquired goods and services.


Jack Brooks: Titan of IT procurement

Former Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Texas) dominated IT procurement policy and oversight for decades.


6 steps for agencies to aid small businesses

OFPP's new leader gives agency officials six steps to increase contracts for businesses through multiple-award contracts.


GSA to close some contracts to new vendors

The GSA Schedules program is about to get some new limitations, official says.


How political nominees can win over a Senate committee

One political nominee learned two key items that are essential to a successful confirmation hearing.


OFPP attempts to put acquisition on pace with technological change

Administration takes another stab at reshaping procurement to keep up with rapidly changing technology.


Biden to become benchmark for executive pay?

Currently, the Executive Compensation Benchmark is based on the median amount provided to senior executives in large U.S. corporations. One Senate commmittee says it's growing too much.


Senate committee encourages reverse auctions

The committee says reverse auctions stimulate “aggressive competition” among vendors and lead to lower prices.


IG probes apparently not enough to prevent bonuses at GSA

A senator takes her probe of employee bonuses governmentwide after learning that GSA paid more than $1 million to employees under investigation.


GSA tries to solve contract review problems

Auditors found that GSA had no strategy to determine the appropriate number of awards to issue on a blanket purchase agreement, promping action from the agency.


Tracking the IT budget's upward curve

Apart from a couple of minor dips, the federal IT budget has been growing steadily for the past 25 years.