
Labor toughens hiring rules for service contractors

The theory is that the government can continue operations more smoothly when a successor service company hires the previous company's employees.


Official clarifies costs, affordability aspects of products

DOD's acquisition under secretary was clearing up confusion about two ideas that he introduced into the defense acquisition process in 2010 to control costs.


Regulatory reforms to hit competition, communication

President Barack Obama ordered agencies to modernize and increase the transparency of their regulation of industry and commerce.


GSA aims to consolidate federal IT commodity buys

GSA officials propose creating as many as 10 blanket purchase agreements covering laptops, desktops and other popular IT products.


The ghosts of small businesses past

Critics say SBA's small-business score cards are meaningless because small businesses aren't actually doing the work.


Army’s new network strategy is changing the way it fights

Col. John Morrison discusses the Army's new integrated networking strategy and how it's helping the Army keep up with the constantly evolving requirements of modern warfare.


IG finds faults in acquisition workforce info system

The acquisition workforce information system is riddled with faults, forcing GSA and other agencies to take different approaches to understanding the makeup of their employees, a report states.


Defense agencies adjust procurement thinking

At a time when the government is drawing borders around contractors, some defense IT officials are pinning their technology hopes on their close partnerships with companies.


Interior reconsiders future of assisted services branch

Interior's IG questions the usefulness of the Acquisition Services Directorate in Sierra Vista, Ariz., saying its risks might outweigh its benefits.

Digital Government

IG probes favoritism in DARPA contracts

DARPA may have a conflict of interest with a defense contractor closely tied to its director. The IG is launching a series of audits to inquire.


Protective Services risk assessment system fails, GAO says

The Federal Protective Service's costs for developing a new risk assessment system have tripled and the system is two years behind schedule, a new report says.


Government-industry group sifts out top contracting reforms

ACT-IAC started a website to survey the government vendor community's view on IT acquisition reforms.


Specialists are hidden treasures of expertise, GAO says

Officials would do well to hunt down specialists inside their agencies to tap their expertise, a new report advises.


Army seeks energy independence

The Army announces a new task force to target its renewable energy goals.


Procurement contests pooh-poohed by an unlikely source

Steve Kelman is disappointed in an attack on federal procurement competitions from a source he never would have expected.


OMB hunts for gaps in keeping out fake products

The Obama administration's anti-counterfeit working group is looking for gaps in legal authority and regulation that may undermine how officials can check on the quality of products the government buys.


DOD moves to speed cyber acquisition

DOD is embarking on an effort to increase the speed of acquiring cyberspace capabilities and increase the influence of end users on tech choices.

Digital Government

DHS, GAO disagree on details of acquisition planning

The Homeland Department said collecting data to decide when to begin planning for a major procurement is a waste of time.


How agencies can cut contracting costs

As agencies tighten their belts, contracting is ripe for cost savings, writes columnist Steve Kelman.


The hidden cost of strained government/industry relations

Despite efforts to foster dialogue, the relationship between government and industry seems to be on a downward spiral, writes consultant Jaime Gracia.