
Congressman questions agencies on small-business advocates' authority

Rep. Mulvaney, chairman of a contracting subcommittee, wants to know why small-business advocate office officials don’t have access to top officials.


Federal acquisition training: Change is afoot

Federal Acquisition Institute Director Donna Jenkins discusses her vision of a governmentwide team that provides top-notch acquisition workforce training.


Senators urge Obama to lead on green IT efforts

Agencies have improved their use of green IT, but no one can be sure how much because there are no real standards for success.


Competition in new IT contract may take old path

GSA squeezed 599 small businesses into four categories of business, but the orders still will go to a few aggressive companies and may even cause headaches for agencies.


VA continues to pay ineligible contractors, audit finds

Serious deficiencies in contracting at the Veterans Affairs Department are allowing ineligible contractors to work and get paid, audits find.


DHS pushed to tighten IT acquisition policies

GAO uncovers weaknesses in DHS' method for independently assessing complex and costly IT acquisitions.


White House names accountability board members

President Obama chooses watchdogs in government to lead his board.


Possible default scares contractors

The ongoing debt-ceiling debate that threatens to put the government into default is as unnerving for contractors as it is for feds.


Senators, SBA dispute accuracy of small-business credit

Senators question whether small-business contracting goals are an "empty achievement."


VHA flunks medical school contract management, IG says

The Veterans Health Administration has problems with implementing a 2006 directive to improve its contracting with affiliated medical schools and teaching hospitals, according to a new report.


Senate approves measures against charge-card abuses

The bill is based largely on the GAO's recommendations to prevent recurring waste, fraud, and abuse of government credit charges.


DOD wants tougher rules on single-bid competitions

Defense Department officials seek to tighten rules for work that gets only one bid.


Insourcing vs. outsourcing: The pendulum swings again

Whichever way the pendulum swings, the A-76 process is still a mess, FCW readers say.


Government recognizes need to take politics out of procurement, expert says

Political concerns have become increasingly involved in the procurement process, but the government is realizing that its focus should be on the strategic needs of agencies, official says.

Digital Government

Lawmakers want competitive sourcing on the table

House members have asked the Appropriations Committee chairman to keep funding bills free from “provisions inhibiting the utilization of the private sector.”


DOD must overcome 'Stone Age IT' to keep competitive, official says

The Defense Department must keep up with technology to compete on the battlefield, even amid budgetary uncertainty, DOD official says.


DOD attempts to pull acquisition into cyberspace

DOD officials are intent on making the huge department agile and swift in acquisition to secure the world of cyberspace.


Senate committee seeks cuts to service contracts

The Obama administration and Congress have a number of plans to cut DOD's costs and increase contract oversight, but there's little connection between them all.


Vendors gripe at contracting conference

Steve Kelman found the opening sessions of the National Contract Management Association World Conference to be 'whining and self-serving'


Agencies play it safe with contract types

Agencies have decreased their use of risky time-and-materials contracts.