
DOD officials crack down on incomplete award info

Defense Department officials plan to check the contract information defense agencies post to a public DOD website to ensure its completeness.


GSA ponders next generation of services contracts

GSA is designing a multiple-award contract to offer professional services across multiple disciplines, such as program management and consulting services.


Administration plans $6B in support service contract cuts

The Obama administration intends to cut $6 billion in spending by the end of fiscal 2012 on support services contracts that help managers.


Insourcing vs. outsourcing: The never-ending story

The debate about the blended workforce has proven a favorite topic of FCW readers.


Congress stretches deadline for DOD task order protests; civilian jurisdiction unclear

A new Federal Register notice on a new acquisition rule regarding task-order protests has reignited the debate on jurisdiction over civilian protests.


VA hopes to transform IT systems with T4 contract

The Veterans Affairs Department laid out several goals for its ambitious $12 billion "T4" IT acquisitions contract.


Contractor performance reviews: One size fits all?

A new proposal would create one standard for how contracting officers review companies’ past performance on contracts as the reviews become more important to procurement decisions.


Navy: Faster acquisition key to cyber defense

The Defense Department's existing acquisition model makes it difficult to keep up with cyber threats, a Navy official said.


GSA seeks ‘anytime, anywhere, any device’ infrastructure

GSA is trying to figure out how it should structure two major IT task orders in light of a quickly evolving agency.


Government gets a B in 2010 small-business contracting

The government awarded $97.9 billion to small businesses in 2010, compared to $96.8 billion in 2009.


GSA expects to award STARS II in July

GSA officials pushed back the award date for a month to get better prices from bidding companies on the governmentwide, small-business IT contract.


Congressman wants to halt insourcing

Republican congressman, expressing concern for small businesses, urges a moratorium on returning formerly contracted work to the government.


Biz groups want Congress to protect outsourcing

A coalition of business groups is asking Congress to uphold outsourcing and limit insourcing in the upcoming fiscal 2012 spending bills.


Turnabout: GSA pulls back major contract

After apparently awarding a contract to small businesses, GSA rescinds it almost immediately and urges bidders to rethink their prices.


Transportation Command wants greenhouse gas tracking

The U.S. Transportation Command wants help to develop ways to measure the carbon footprint of its vehicles.


3 steps to a more flexible cloud procurement process

The federal government needs to implement flexible procurement policies so cloud services companies can become more agile to meet agencies’ unique requirements, a Unisys executive said.


Senators try to block politics from procurement

A Senate committee has approved legislation that would bar any rule to force companies that bid on federal contracts to report who they supported with political contributions.


Continuity after Kundra

The departure of federal CIO Vivek Kundra puts continuity in the spotlight, writes Steve Kelman.


DISA reveals strategy for near future directions

The Defense Information Systems Agency 2011-2012 Campaign Plan adds more focus and definition to the agency's near- and long-term directions, including a renewed emphasis on enterprise services and mobile-computing technologies.


After Kundra: What next?

Vivek Kundra has been a forceful leader for change in federal IT, say many observers. What will happen to the efforts now under way when he leaves the federal CIO post in August?