
Franken amendment sparks debate about government's role in employee relations

Readers sound off on whether the government should withhold payment from companies that make employees sign arbitration clauses.


DHS officials reluctant to debar, suspend contractors, IG reports

DHS Inspector General Richard Skinner is accusing department acquisition officials of being "reluctant" to initiate debarment and suspension actions against contractors.


Senate bill takes aim at HUBZone fraud

The bill seeks to ensure that only eligible firms participate in the HUBZone program.


Army to insource core governmental functions, official says

The Army intends to insource 7,162 positions this fiscal year and 11,000 more jobs from fiscal 2011 to 2015, official says.


Are we wasting the talents of our new government contracting hires?

Blogger Steve Kelman was discouraged to hear how one agency is failing to leverage the skills of contractor staff.


GSA administrator promises innovative solutions, superior performance from her agency

The General Services Administration must know its clients, meet their needs through innovation and do it well, Martha Johnson, the new GSA administrator said in a speech after her swearing-in.


IBM to integrate federal acquisition databases

The contract is for merging nine databases to streamline the federal procurement process.


Government should take a cue from consumers

A startup called Groupon provides the federal government with a good model of how to leverage buying power, writes blogger Steve Kelman.


The rise of the 'critical function': A new way to think about acquisition

The critical function stole the importance of the inherently governmental function because the Obama administration has said it wants less outsourcing.


SBInet's caretaker shares frustrations about delays, snafus

Mark Borkowski is in the unenviable position of overseeing SBInet, the border protection system that is as noteworthy for its ambitious scope as it is for technical glitches and schedule delays.


Agencies should not fear talking to contractors

Columnist Steve Kelman writes that communication between government and industry is key to saving money and and preventing misunderstandings in contract language.


Contract management: Glass half empty or half full?

Where GAO finds problems with DOD contract management, blogger Steve Kelman finds reason for hope.


Senator: Military in Afghanistan has improved its contract oversight

The military has improved slightly regarding audits and contracting oversight in Afghanistan, a senator says.

Digital Government

After Murtha: Vacancy on critical House defense panel opens way for new leader

John Murtha will be remembered for his long government service, military career and a love of earmarks that sometimes put him in hot water.


VA officials toughen small business rules

A new rule defines the eligibility requirements for businesses to get verified status as a veteran-owned small business


Bill would increase oversight of prime-subcontractor relations

The bill would pressure companies to keep a clean performance record by paying subcontractors on time.


Senate confirms Martha Johnson as GSA administrator

The Senate voted to confirm Johnson after Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) overrode a hold placed on her nomination by Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) that had stalled the nomination since June 2009.


Senators push for more small-business contracts

New legislation would require agencies to think about small businesses and reconsider bundled contracts.


Lieberman urges confirmation of nominee to lead GSA

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) has urged his colleagues to end debate on the nomination of Martha Johnson to be the General Services Administration’s administrator and confirm her as soon as possible.


Obama proposes expanding acquisition workforce

The administration says the government's spending has doubled, but the size of the workforce has remained generally constant.