
Army let contractor get too involved in program, IG says

DOD's IG found that a company helped develop a contract and then bid on it.


Bid protest numbers increased during fiscal 2009

Protesters filed more complaints with the Government Accountability Office about agency contracting decisions in fiscal 2009 than in the previous four years.

Digital Government

Three named to top GSA contract posts

ITS assistant commissioner Ed O'Hare fills vacancies to oversee governmentwide acquisition contracts, schedules and acquisition operations


Did CDC violate contract rules? Agency, auditors disagree

The HHS inspector general is accusing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of violating federal acquisition rules prohibiting personal services contracts, while CDC's director insists no violation has occurred.


Census CIO counts on future tech

Despite public missteps related to technology, Brian McGrath says the Census Bureau is poised to be an innovation trailblazer for government.


GSA disaster recovery program could open doors, expert says

Growing sales in the disaster recovery program could help to sway legislators to open all GSA schedules contracts for cooperative purchasing.


GSA Blues: Nowhere to go but up

The General Services Administration, the government’s premier procurement agency, has been left adrift for a year with no permanent administrator and a number of key departures.


GSA disaster recovery program gains momentum

Companies reported their highest quarterly sales increases from July to September 2009.


Insourcing is about strategy, not numbers

Contractors help the government fill a critical gap, and that gap must be the central focus of any debate on insourcing and managing a blended workforce, writes Jaime Gracia.


GAO officials offer acquisition reform basics

The Government Accountability Office has some advice for federal agencies about selecting contract types to protect the government's interests.


President orders clampdown on tax-delinquent contractors

The presidential memo directs federal officials and Congress to improve information sharing in order to block delinquent companies from receiving new awards.


House bill would punish users of front companies

A new bill in the House would penalize people who set up a company as a front to another business to get a government contract.


Transportation Department attempts to fix suspension delays

The department has struggled to make decisions on whether to exclude companies from federal work and then notify its various offices about the decisions.


Govloop's acquisition forum gains traction

The forum is turning into a real meeting place for acquisition professionals to share ideas and get real-time feedback both on broad policy issues and specific projects.


DOD gets ball rolling on insourcing

To save money and reduce the influence of defense contractors, Congress has handed the Defense Department $5 billion and a mandate to insource inherently governmental jobs.


Insourcing talk reignites debate about cost of government services

Acquisition officials wrestle with how to calculate overhead costs in public/private comparisons.


Workforce balance boomerangs toward insourcing

The Obama administration has set in motion a set of guidelines and initiatives that figure to undo many Bush administration outsourcing efforts. But OMB officials want agencies to insource jobs based on strategic plans, not just to fulfill administration ideals.


'Inherently governmental' defies quick definition

Former OFPP Administrator Allan Burman describes his effort to define the term in 1992.


GSA veteran Kempf becomes deputy FAS commissioner

Steve Kempf's 18 years in the Federal Acquisition Service give him the experience with and understanding of the program's customers, GSA officials say.


Procurement reform fever to die down in 2010

The contracting memo influenced much of the procurement policy guidance in 2009, but experts say its effects will be subtle this year.