
SSA needs better plan for online customer service, IG says

The Social Security Administration needs to get ready to deliver most of its customer service online, a report says.


SSA suggestion box: Better online tools, watch for biased judges

The Social Security Administration has published a list of the most popular ideas and suggestions it has received from the public to improve transparency.


Potential debt limit fallout paints bleak picture for feds

If Congress fails to raise the government's debt limit before the Aug. 2 deadline, the federal government would face an unprecedented situation and federal employees are bound to be affected.

Digital Government

Budget woes might lead to fewer feds

Employee buyouts and hiring freezes are some of the ways agencies are dealing with tight budgets.


SSA official fired for disputing IT policy, he says

A fired IT official claims the SSA pushed him out when he disagreed with the agency's approach to IT.


Social Security Administration CIO to resign

Changes at the SSA come as the administration has less money to work with.


SSA lags in moving statements online: official

Most workers won't get personal statements from the Social Security Administration this year, and there is no schedule for moving the statements online, a GAO official said.


SSA CIO office squeezed by budget tightening

SSA Commissioner Michael Astrue announced major restructuring of some of the agency's managers and offices in response to tight budgets.

Digital Government

What to name baby? SSA has a new mobile app for that.

The Social Security Administration is putting thousands of baby names within easy reach with a new iPhone application.


Auditors estimate $2.8B in improper payments at SSA, FEMA

Inspectors general at FEMA and the Social Security Administration uncovered billions in improper payments, reports state.


SSA's new data center vulnerable to hurricanes and tornadoes, consultant says

The Social Security Administration rejected a consultant's recommendation to build its new data center to a higher level of protection against strong winds.

Digital Government

SSA falls short on death e-record collection, official says

The Social Security Administration is collecting electronic data from only 30 states in its death record database.

Digital Government

SSA aims for face-to-face customer service online

The Social Security Administration considers adding videoconferencing to its customer service toolkit.


Many US voter identities don't match SSA data

Many new voters submit personal information that doesn't match Social Security's records, agency report. What does it mean?


SSA's CIO Baitman tells of lessons learned from video contest

Social Security Administration CIO Frank Baitman described four lessons learned from SSA's experience with a video contest that drew a small number of submissions.


SSA: The check is not in the mail

The Treasury Department and Social Security Administration have begun requiring new applicants for retirement benefits to sign up for electronic payments or debit cards only.


Remote video increases flexibility for SSA

The Social Security Administration began using remote video conferencing technology to manage its disability hearing workload in 1999 and it seems to be paying off, according to a new report.


SSA trust fund reimbursement may be at risk due to outdated systems, audit says

Grant Thornton LLP recently completed an audit of the Social Security Administration's system to determine the administrative expenses to be reimbursed from the four trust funds it oversees.


Agencies update progress on transparency plans

Federal agencies are publishing charts, graphics and progress reports on their open government efforts.


SSA exposed SSNs, names, birth dates for 36,000 people, IG says

The Social Security Administration didn't take enough precautions to protect against exposing the Social Security numbers, names and birth dates of more than 36,000 people, according to a new audit.