Digital Government

State Department seeks blogger

Who says feds don't offer cool jobs?


Does Congress have time to change contingency contracting?

As agencies choose to disregard recommendations, members of Congress consider ways to enact the changes anyway.


US faces new uphill battle in cyberspace

Emerging threats from developing nations will pose new dangers to the nation, according to a cyber official.


NASA scores high on innovation

Feds are gung-ho about innovation, but managers are still on the fence.


State's cloud doesn't measure up to NIST standards, IG finds

Audit finds weaknesses that keep the State Department's cloud-computing efforts from meeting NIST's guidelines.


State's CIO moves to IMF

Susan Swart will begin work at IMF in August.


Senators back off call for automatic contractor suspensions

Proposals to require agencies to automatically suspend companies accused of wrongdoing have been softened in latest version of a bill.


Who's the top employer among IT and engineering students?

Government agencies make the top 10 list of best employers.

Digital Government

Majority of US embassies tweeting for diplomacy, report says

U.S. embassy tweeting is off to a good start with 69 percent of embassies engaging in Twitter communications, according to a new study.


Clinton espouses tech tools for diplomacy in Brazil

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she is distributing guidance to U.S. embassies on using tech tools for diplomacy.


Who's watching? 10 agencies lack permanent IG.

IGs fulfill a critical role in monitoring agency operations, but some agencies have had unfilled vacancies for months, or even years.


State Department's e-diplomacy efforts outpace other nations'

The State Department is the world's leading user of technology tools for diplomacy, according to a new think tank study.

Digital Government

Amelia Earhart search gets help from State Department's tech tools

Amelia Earhart's story has become legend, and now new technologies may finally enable a search team to locate her crash site, which has remained a mystery since 1937.


Bill would stifle contractors' responses to past-performance reviews

Proposed legislation would forbid companies from challenging assessments or even correcting errors, critics say.

Digital Government

Can State maintain a virtual embassy in Syria?

The State Department's social media presence could help it maintain its connection to the Syrian people.

Digital Government

State's chief information security officer to lead DHS cybersecurity efforts

The new head of the Homeland Security Department's National Cybersecurity Division will come from the State Department.


Virtual worlds training for federal cyber pros in the works

A joint effort between DHS and State will offer courses in a virtual worlds environment for federal cybersecurity professionals.


Reverse auctions: A bid for budget-conscious business

Reverse auctions, which have paid off in spades at State, could help other agencies looking to deal with tight IT budgets.


Digital diplomacy: Facebook users build good will for Obama Indonesia visit

The U.S. embassy in Jakarta has applied digital diplomacy with a popular Facebook page attracting fans in Indonesia.