Digital Government

State Department social network in the works

The State Department will be launching its own social network for employees and diplomatic officials.

Digital Government

Legislation would open diplomatic relations -- in cyberspace

A bill being introduced today would create the position of ambassador at large in the State Department to coordinate U.S. foreign policy on cybersecurity and cyberspace issues.


Senate bill targets countries where cyberattacks against U.S. interests originate

A bill in the Senate would hold other countries accountable for cyber-crime against targets in the United States.


US clears way for social media to reach human rights activists

An amendment issued by the Treasury Department makes it legal to export Web technologies--such as instant messaging, chat and e-mail, and social networking--to Iran, Sudan and Cuba.


State's Consular Affairs plans software upgrade

The State Department plans to award blanket purchase agreements to contractors for software engineering and support services.


Google-China spat elevates cybersecurity to foreign policy priority

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent comments about computer security, Google China, and Internet freedom show cybersecurity's growth as a foreign policy priority.


Google attacks: A wake-up call or curtain call for agencies?

Agencies across government are exposed to the sophisticated cyberattacks known as advanced persistent threats, yet they may not even know it.

Digital Government

Senate backs up Clinton on Internet freedom, Google/China

The Senate passed a resolution on Feb. 2 in support of global Internet freedom.

Digital Government

Katie Stanton brings Silicon Valley know-how to Foggy Bottom

Having served in senior positions at Google and Yahoo, Katie Stanton’s résumé doesn't resemble one of a typical State Department insider. And that is exactly why she is the department's new director of citizen participation and special adviser on innovation.

Digital Government

Online forum launched for Haiti relief efforts

Volunteer technologists designed for Haiti relief to link donor companies with nongovernmental organizations that need supplies.

Digital Government

U.S., China exchange jabs on Internet freedom

A day after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called out the Chinese government for stepping up its censorship of the Internet, China's foreign ministry fired back.

Digital Government

Clinton urges Internet freedom, cybersecurity

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today urged against censorship of the Internet and called for responses to cyberattacks.


Better integrated intell could save lives

National security agencies want to make the various databases that hold terrorism information more searchable after the failed Christmas Day airplane bombing.

Digital Government

Agencies harness social media for Haiti relief efforts

Social media, satellite communications spring into action to help earthquake-devastated nation.


Clinton queries China about Google's cyberattack allegations

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is looking for an explanation from the Chinese government regarding Google’s accusations that sophisticated attack on the company’s infrastructure originated from China.

Modernization gets a makeover

The State Department today unveiled a redesign of its official Web site that the department hopes to use to engage people in an ongoing dialogue on foreign policy.

Digital Government

State pilot shows a way to improve security while cutting costs

Agency has reduced its serious vulnerabilities while cutting the cost of its security program, said Chief Information Security Officer John Streufert.

Digital Government

America seeks science collaboration with Muslim communities

Three scientists will work to expand collaboration in science and technologies between the United States and Muslim communities.

Digital Government

What does Twitter mean for foreign policy?

Experts say new media poses great opportunities for activists and some questions for governments.