
Some doctors to get health IT help

The National Coordinator for Health Information Technology said he is dealing with the special health IT needs of doctors in small practices.

Digital Government

Recovery Act: Forthcoming portal to streamline data reporting

OMB hopes new site will lighten the reporting burden on recipients by simplifying reporting instructions and providing an easy-to-use way to submit data.


Stimulus law Web site in flux

An online dialogue to improve the Web site functioned better than an RFI, according to the National Academy of Public Administration's analysis.

Digital Government

What is 'meaningful use?'

The Health IT Policy Committee is revising a proposed framework for defining and setting benchmarks for meaningful use of health IT.


Could online comments become part of procurement?

The online dialogue to improve offered similar benefits to an RFI process but delivered more value than traditional RFIs, a new report says.


Health IT 'meaningful use' framework proposed

The federal Health IT Policy Committee today began considering a detailed framework for defining "meaningful use" of health IT through 2015.

Modernization needs vendor help

The oversight board for economic stimulus spending is looking for a vendor to create Version 2.0 of the Web site.


Kennedy moves toward health reform

House and Senate Democratic leaders are putting health care reform legislation on a fast track, with information technology provisions on board the train.

Digital Government

Health IT panel to consider 'meaningful use' definition

The Health IT Policy Committee is expected to consider a definition for 'meaningful use' of records on June 16.


GAO: Avoid fragmented broadband policies

The FCC should work with other federal agencies to avoid a fragmented approach on national broadband policies, a new report states.

Digital Government

Group: Health IT essential to health reform

Health IT may falter if it is not included in overall health reform, according to health industry organizations.

Digital Government

ONCHIT tests guidance for health records

HHS is testing a template for an electronic personal health record


Health IT needs more functionality, CIO says

Theresa Cullen, CIO of the Indian Health Service, said health IT leaders should create more functionality in their systems, including the ability to track diseases without current lag times.


$300M in transit grants to aid in homeland security projects

DHS announced $300 million in economic stimulus law funding is available for eligible port security and mass transit projects.


Health IT commission postpones certifications

The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology said it will put off some of its certification activities until it reviews what HHS has in mind for health IT

Digital Government

Health IT standards panel creates workgroups

After it gets some policy guidance, the Health IT Standards Committee will ask its three new workgroups to deliver recommendations in 90 days.


SSA data center to go green

The Social Security Administration intends to incorporate green IT solutions in its new $800 million data center.


GSA outlines role for green buildings office

In a new plan, GSA describes the role of the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings under the economic stimulus law.


Health IT program needs ID management

The Obama administration's health IT initiative needs strong identity management tools to protect patient privacy, according to vendors, providers and other experts at a panel today.


CMS to spend $905M on IT systems support

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will develop IT systems to monitor incentive payments to doctors and hospitals.