
CBP to spend $100M on SBInet

U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it will use the money to improve its border surveillance technology and communications.


Health IT panel aims for middle road

The new federal panel that will advise on health IT standards begins discussing its goals.

Digital Government

Administration helps with estimating jobs created

The White House released a guide to help agencies measure the jobs created by the economic stimulus law.


Committee studies public health, research

The federal advisory group on health information technology considers adding public health and research data needs to its requirements for electronic health records.


Health care reform tied to IT

Health care reform won't be complete without adopting health IT, the national coordinator for health IT says.


Stimulus money site pressed for time

The Web site for tracking economic stimulus law funds is racing to meet an October deadline, official says.


HHS uses widgets and live blogging

A new report by the Health and Human Services Department highlights its uses of widgets and other tools to improve transparency and service.


FCW Insider: Should contractor performance data be public?

A reader wonders if the Obama administration’s transparency policy will include information on contractor performance scores.


Economic stimulus IT forum draws more than 2,500 participants

Vendors and IT experts submitted and ranked ideas for using information technology to better track spending under the economic stimulus law.


GAO auditors echo concerns about is being overwhelmed by applications for economic stimulus funding and applicants are confused about what to do, a new GAO report states.


Health IT group wants incentives for EHRs

A health IT organization wants the Obama administration to take an incremental approach in implementing the economic stimulus law concerning electronic health records.


Recovery board begins online dialogue with IT vendors

The panel overseeing the economic stimulus law debuted a new Web site today to invite ideas from IT vendors, experts and consumers.


More rules are due on stimulus money

OMB will issue a third round of guidance in early May to help agencies handle the data reporting and audit requirements of the economic stimulus law.


Survey: IT high on wish list for new money

State and local public safety agencies want to use new federal money to help fund technology projects, according to a new survey.


City Web sites track new federal money

Several cities have established Web sites to track the $50 billion in economic stimulus spending cities will get.

Digital Government

Bill would help state auditors track money

A House committee chairman is writing legislation to provide federal funds to state auditors to help them oversee spending under the stimulus law.


Agencies to hold online talk with IT community

Starting April 27, OMB and the stimulus oversight board will ask the IT community how to best achieve transparency for reporting spending under the economic stimulus law.


Interior Department to upgrade disaster monitoring

The U.S. Geological Survey will upgrade volcano, earthquake, and flood monitoring and warning systems.


States launch stimulus-tracking sites

All 50 states are now online with stimulus act Web sites, but they vary in quality and usefulness.


Administration addresses power grid weaknesses

The Obama administration is speeding development of cyber protections for the smart grid.