
'Psychological safety' and organizational performance

Steve Kelman stresses the benefits of creating space for questions and push-back.


Cultivating small talk when there's no office

Federal managers should look for ways to create the virtual water cooler environment.


A career fed does a stint at USDS

Steve Kelman checks in with procurement innovator and past Fed 100 winner Mark Junda on his latest chapter.


A contractor calls for hiring more techies in-house

Steve Kelman argues that Ad Hoc CEO Greg Gershman is onto something important.


We underestimate the value of complimenting others

Steve Kelman shares new research that suggests managers are too stingy with their praise.

Digital Government

Another perspective on 18F

Steve Kelman gets Alan Thomas' inside view on the "hoodies vs. suits" situation.

Digital Government

Two tech titans take on 18F and USDS

Steve Kelman hits a nerve regarding the civic tech crowd, and asks if the criticism is warranted.

Digital Government

Seeking more civility on Facebook

Steve Kelman discusses his pursuit of a more constructive social network.

Digital Government

Innovation among feds is alive and well

Steve Kelman shares some survey data on how career executives see innovation in their agencies.

Digital Government

Don't keep Trump off Twitter

Steve Kelman contends that free speech -- above and beyond the letter of the First Amendment -- should be supported to the fullest extent possible.


COVID, black swans and gray rhinos

Steven Kelman suggests we should spend more time planning for the known risks on the horizon.

Digital Government

Against online disinhibition

Steve Kelman (who has learned some new acronyms lately) argues that we need more civility in these challenging times.

Digital Government

Creating an infrastructure for procurement innovation at DHS

Steve Kelman checks in on the Department of Homeland Security's Procurement Innovation Lab, and finds valuable lessons for other agencies.

Digital Government

A good sign from the new administration about USDS

Steve Kelman notes the strong indicators that the U.S. Digital Service -- and a commitment to digital government more broadly -- are now integral to the federal ecosystem.


Chicago launches a challenge to extend outdoor dining into winter

As COVID-19 continues to upend local economies, the Windy City is getting creative to support the restaurant sector.

Digital Government

A post-election message from government contractors to America

Steve Kelman calls for civic renewal -- and more of the moderate culture of bipartisan respect that the federal IT community often embodies.

Digital Government

A tribute to micro-innovations

Steve Kelman thinks more organizations should take a lesson from the Peak Academy's commitment to incremental change.


An extraordinary public servant, now a little the worse for wear

Steve Kelman checks in with longtime VA leader Ed Meagher, who was recently honored for a lifetime of citizen service.