Digital Government

Voting in Georgia: good news for democracy, bad news about govtech

The lines for early voting in Georgia are a sign of citizen engagement, Steve Kelman writes. But they're at least partly due to a new digital voting system.


Here we go again: 'diversity training' and government contractors

Steve Kelman takes issue with using the government's purchasing power to push unrelated political goals.


Cancel culture: Tales from the U.S. and China

Steve Kelman looks at how a tale of cancel culture in the U.S. was misunderstood in China.


Re-imagining the small-business mentor-protege model

Steve Kelman looks at the efforts of a non-traditional contractor to bring new firms into the fold.

Digital Government

Points of Light: A nice story for a tough time

At a time when more social responsibility is needed, Steve Kelman notes, a 30-year-old presidential initiative is still delivering.

Digital Government

COVID: We need to talk about social responsibility

Individualism is a big part of American culture, Steve Kelman notes. But it's not the only part, and leaders must encourage others.


What our COVID response says about public management

Testing is all well and good, Steve Kelman notes, but true follow-through is the hard part.

Digital Government

Guest blog by Thomas J. Main: 'All men are created equal'

A longtime friend of Steve Kelman's has some thoughts about our founding principles.


Collaboration inside government during the COVID crisis

Steve Kelman reports on New Zealand's all-hands approach to contain the coronavirus.


Civic tech internship programs wins Harvard innovation challenge

Steve Kelman notes the latest accomplishment for the federally focused Coding it Forward initiative.


VA embraces procurement challenges at scale

Steve Kelman applauds the Department of Veterans Affairs' ambitious attempt to move beyond one-off prize-based contests to combat veteran suicides more effectively.


Where did the ideas for shutdowns and social distancing come from?

Steve Kelman offers another story about hero civil servants (and a good president).

Digital Government

Using tech to combat the coronavirus

Steve Kelman reports on early efforts to leverage technology for better contact tracing.


Procurement challenges step up to the COVID-19 plate

Steve Kelman spotlights another example of how non-traditional acquisition models can encourage innovation.


What do narcissists do to team performance?

Steve Kelman shares suggestive new research -- and offers some ideas for how federal managers might act on it.


Even when government gets it right, it gets no credit -- a ventilator story

Steve Kelman spotlights a story of smart acquisition hidden behind a doom-and-gloom headline.


Let's call Dr. Fauci by his proper title -- public servant

Steve Kelman argues that Americans need to understand the essential contributions civil servants make to our society's mix.


A traditional program manager joins the rebellion

Steve Kelman reports on the internally driven innovation taking place in the Air Force's BESPIN program.