Digital Government

How to present data to an audience

Steve Kelman shares some tips for keeping a data-driven message compelling, not confusing.


Carrots or sticks?

Steve Kelman considers the research on what makes for an effective motivator.


The power of bad

Steve Kelman shares insights from a new book about negativity and the importance of seeking out the positive.


Does strategic planning help organizations?

Steve Kelman notes growing support for strategic planning efforts -- and the steps agencies take to keep those plans relevant.

Digital Government

Government at work -- curbing curbside congestion

Steve Kelman looks at another area where civil servants are quietly working to make our lives better.


Note to government: Start talking like everybody else!

Steve Kelman takes issue with jargon that serves mainly to create artificial distinctions from the private sector.


A civic tech summer fellow becomes a full-time fed

Steve Kelman reports that Coding it Forward is turning temporary college-break postings into longer-term public service commitments.


How contracting officers want to use the new micropurchase threshold

Steve Kelman's recent talk with feds reinforced his view that a $10,000 micropurchase limit opens up vast new acquisition possibilities.

Digital Government

A government contractor crosses over to USDS

Steve Kelman reports on what prompted Kelly O'Connor to take an rather unusual career turn.


Steve's peeve about a common contracting phrase

When it comes to discussion of government contracts, Steve Kelman contends that "the L word" comes up far too often.

Digital Government

Will civic tech save government from its tech talent crisis?

Students drawn to digital government are bringing desperately needed skills (and enthusiasm) to agencies that are willing to engage, Steve Kelman writes.


Project management vs. product management

Steve Kelman argues that government innovation needs more of the latter.


Employee empowerment and improved performance: The missing link

It has long been assumed that empowering employees can boost an organization's performance, Steve Kelman notes, but new research finally delivers the data to prove it.


Should federal contracting be more like Airbnb?

Steve Kelman believes a lighter touch and a bit more trust could transform today's compliance culture.

Digital Government

Is the federal tech community fed up with Trump?

After the president's provocative appearance with Russia's Vladimir Putin, Steve Kelman finds that some measured, establishment IT leaders are speaking out.


The rise of the microconsultants

Steve Kelman reports that changes to the micropurchase threshold have opened the door to buying services by government credit card -- and predicts that the impact could be huge.

Digital Government

Agile at DOD -- going beyond sticky notes and standing meetings

Steve Kelman reports on how the military is applying agile and DevOps to Pentagon-scale projects.

Digital Government

Code for America, civic tech and DOD

Defense Department digital experts were invited to speak at the recent CfA Summit, and some attendees took offense. Steve Kelman argues that civic tech should embrace such debates.