
TSA preps second pipeline cyber directive

A senior TSA official told House lawmakers on Tuesday that it is preparing to issue a second security directive focused on cybersecurity mitigation measures used by pipeline companies.


Biden's top cyber nominees face the Senate as the country reels from cyberattacks

Jen Easterly, selected to head the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Chris Inglis, the former National Security Agency deputy director picked to fill the new national cyber director role, faced lawmakers concerned about the spike in ransomware attacks.


Colonial CEO defends $4.3M ransomware payment

Joseph Blount, the chief executive officer of Colonial Pipeline, on Tuesday defended the company's ransom payment to the criminal group Darkside and said Colonial is continuing to work with law enforcement and cybersecurity consultants to restore their business systems.


DHS expands collective bargaining for TSA airport screeners

Although the American Federation of Government Employees praised the move, the union says it is still going to press for legislation to move TSA employees into Title 5.


After Colonial attack, TSA issues new cyber regs for pipelines

DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas cited the attack on Colonial Pipeline as the impetus for the new regulations.


DHS to issue new pipeline security regulations after Colonial attack

A Department of Homeland Security spokesperson said the new guidance for pipeline security will be issued in the coming days.


House advances cybersecurity bills in wake of pipeline company hack

Following a week filled with a devastating ransomware attack and a massive executive order to strengthen the federal government's networks, a House panel on Tuesday advanced several bills largely aimed at DHS and CISA.


House lawmakers re-introduce pipeline security bill after Colonial hack

Lawmakers in previous years have tried to clarify and change which agencies are responsible for regulating the cybersecurity of oil and gas pipelines.


TSA's role in pipeline security looks like a weak link to some in government and industry

Questions about whether TSA is rightly positioned to oversee cybersecurity for natural gas and oil pipelines are resurfacing in the wake of the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline.


House Dems, unions pitch plan to reclassify TSA screeners

So far, Republicans haven't signed on to a plan to alter the agency's unique personnel situation. Some experts caution that there are untended consequences from a move to put TSA officers under Title 5.


House Dems look to expand TSA screeners' workplace protections

The bill would move all TSA employees into Title 5 of the U.S. Code, with pay conforming to the general schedule and collective bargaining rights.


House's DHS funding bill would create public-private cyber center

The legislation would give $2.25 billion to DHS' cyber wing and set up an integrated cybersecurity center with other agencies, state and local governments and private industry.


House Homeland Dems want to help TSA workers in next COVID-19 relief package

Survivor benefits and health insurance premiums are expected to be covered in future legislation.


Schumer to TSA: Delete your (TikTok) account

The Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security, TSA's parent agency, have already banned the video-sharing app from federally owned devices, citing risks associated with TikTok's Chinese ownership.


TSA to roll out strategic plan for insider threats next month

Acting Deputy TSA Administrator Patricia Cogswell said that as screening tech has improved, insider threats have become an increasingly attractive attack vector for bad actors.


TSA's vision for self-screening comes into focus

The Transportation Security Administration is asking vendors to imagine technology and processes to allow air travel passengers to screen themselves.


DHS acquisitions are steady despite CIO departure

Technology procurement at the Department of Homeland Security remains on steady ground despite the departure of CIO Dr. John Zangardi earlier this month for an industry job, according to the agency's top acquisition official.


TSA kicks off facial recognition trial in Las Vegas airport

The Transportation Security Administration is testing its ability to match live photos of air passengers with travel documents using a proprietary algorithmic system.


Agencies seek betters ways to track past performance

Federal officials want new methods to get feedback on their vendors into the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System.


DHS contracting not bound to 'best in class'

The procurement chief at the Department of Homeland Security said that the agency was more focused on serving its components than on shared services.