
TSA looks to automate and upgrade security tech

Transportation Security Administration officials want to make good on old priorities to improve technology at airport security checkpoints.


Are federal facial recognition programs supported by existing law?

Some members of Congress say law enforcement agencies are relying on decades-old laws to justify use of facial recognition tech.


TSA turnover alarms lawmakers

Security screeners at the Transportation Security Administration post some of the lowest satisfaction scores and have the highest attrition rates of any government employees.


TSA preps new guidelines on pipeline cyber

The Transportation Security Administration has developed a plan to more regularly update its cybersecurity guidelines for oil, natural gas and hazardous materials pipeline operators.


TSA pushes on 3D baggage scanning

The Transportation Security Administration is moving quickly on acquisition plans to put "game-changing" 3D baggage scanning systems in place.


TSA's pipeline security team has five employees

The Transportation Security Administration oversees 2.7 million miles of gas pipeline with 5 full-time employees -- none of whom have cyber experience.


Lawmakers probe TSA's pipeline cyber role

A top grid regulator wants to work with the Transportation Security Administration and industry on pipeline cybersecurity, while some in Congress want the Energy Department to take the reins.


Acquisition frozen at DHS due to the shutdown

The Department of Homeland Security acknowledged that the government shutdown, now over a month old, is hampering the ability of the agency to respond to contract solicitations.


Shutdown delays TSA data-security efforts

The standoff over a controversial border wall is holding up activity on a planned overhaul of key transportation security systems.


TSA's role in pipeline cybersecurity could be up for grabs

Congress is looking into which agency should oversee cybersecurity for natural gas and oil pipelines.


Airport biometric tech advances under CBP

Ongoing tests of an entry/exit verification system based on facial recognition technology are proceeding at U.S. airports.


TSA expands scanning tech

New tech for baggage and identity scanning will continue to roll out at airports across the country, said TSA's top manager.


TSA preps tech to track Cuba charter flights

TSA is looking to data sources inside and outside its operations to fold into a new tracking tool to get a better handle on charter aircraft traveling from Cuba into the U.S.


TSA seeks smarter luggage scanners

The Transportation Security Administration wants high-tech start-ups to fuel development of smarter, faster detection capabilities for airport luggage scanners.


TSA tests facial recognition at LAX

The travel security agency wants to see if a combined facial recognition and e-Passport screening system can speed up document inspection.


TSA seeks EIS transition help

TSA's mid-July request for information for help with its transition to EIS shows the agency is looking to maintain its legacy telecom service but also leverage more modern capabilities.


Laptops to get more scrutiny at overseas airports

Laptop and tablet computers of international passengers destined for the U.S. will be subject to stricter screening under new DHS rules.


Watchdog finds IT issues at Secret Service, TSA

Financial systems at both agencies need better management, according to DHS inspector general IT audits.


TSA nominee touts biometric exit pilots

A former commandant of the Coast Guard being considered to head the TSA said the security agency's recently unveiled trials of fingerprint/boarding pass tech could become big part of its future.


DHS officials say border databases are working together

Interlocking database checks are a potent link in blocking potential terrorists from entering the U.S., DHS officials said at a Capitol Hill hearing.