
IG tells TSA to tighten up transportation ID security

Dockworkers, truckers and others must have government-issued credentials to access secure facilities, but a watchdog says the program for granting those credentials needs to be improved.


Can new tech speed airport security lines?

The head of the Transportation Security Administration faced tough questions from lawmakers on speeding airport screening lines.


TSA and Social Security race to Windows 10

They've hit a few snags, but the two agencies are nevertheless hoping to complete an upgrade to end all Windows upgrades within the month.


Senators seek answers on TSA tech

Lawmakers quizzed the head of DHS' Science and Technology Directorate on the proposed $469.9 million R&D budget.


Watchdog: TSA needs to improve IT controls

An Inspector General audit identified three IT controls deficiencies within the Transportation Security Administration, which potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the agency’s financial and operational data.


Why DHS has no idea how much it spends on training

A new watchdog report lays out a massive governance and data problem at the Homeland Security Department.


TSA shows progress on acquisitions

Lawmakers see signs of maturity in the Transportation Security Administration's acquisition process, but challenges remain.


Chaffetz worries about reliance on legacy IT

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has particular concerns about the management of IT at the Department of Homeland Security.


TSA seeks free outside help with social media pilot

TSA is looking for an unpaid, short-term industry expert to help test a social media service that would respond to air travelers questions in real time.


TSA reporting on security breaches has gaps, IG says

The Transportation Security Administration is not consistently documenting its security breaches at airports, according to a new audit.


Choosing a mobile development strategy for your agency

Here are some of the pros and cons of native vs. Web-based apps.

Digital Government

The best of the federal blogosphere

Archived documents, a confiscated cupcake and a World War I fighter plane.


Blogger Bob shares Super Bowl travel tips

Game bound? Leave that air horn at home.


Better government management is in reach

Student ideas reveal effective management techniques that could be adopted today in agencies.

Digital Government

Next on TSA's agenda: Exploding cupcakes

Pity the Transportation Security Administration, having to devote time and effort (paid for, as some would be sure to point out, with taxpayer dollars) to defend a recent decision to forbid a cupcake from being taken past an airport screening check point.


Students demand 'tough love' for TSA screener

Should a dedicated public servant who makes a mistake get a second chance? Steve Kelman's students give a surprising answer.


'Freak' TSA screener in process to be fired, Blogger Bob says

The TSA found itself in the middle of a social media frenzy this week with the "Get your freak on" note incident.

Digital Government

TSA reads the tabloids

TSA's Blogger Bob offers some insight based on celebrity news.


Stories of 9/11: A conference table, a sheet of paper and TSA

Patrick Schambach, the sixth employee hired at the Transportation Security Administration, recalls the daunting task of building an agency from scratch.