Digital Government

TSA told to restart competition for IT infrastructure work

The Government Accountability Office told TSA to restart the competition for the Information Technology Infrastructure Program, putting TSA back at square one.


Candidate for TSA top job withdraws from consideration

The Transportation Security Administration is still without a leader now that White House nominee Erroll Southers has withdrawn from consideration.

Digital Government

Senior lawmaker urges diligence on aviation screening technology

After the failed attempt to detonate a bomb aboard a commercial airliner, Rep. Bennie Thompson says information sharing and aviation security technologies demand immediate attention.


President calls for urgent improvements to anti-terrorism efforts

President Barack Obama has directed his security team to take technology-related security measures to bolster homeland security and thwart terrorist attacks.


TWIC card reader tests need best practices, GAO says

GAO gave TSA a mixed review in its latest evaluation of the transportation worker ID card program.

Digital Government

In wake of TSA breach, a refresher on redacting PDFs

The exposure of the Transportation Security Administration's operations manual will likely prompt agnecies to review the National Security Agency's guidance on how to safely redact information from documents posted to the Web.

Digital Government

Protests: Step by step

You've filed a protest. Now what?


Exit system for foreign travelers stands at a crossroads

The Obama administration is poised to decide whether to proceed with a program to use biometrics to keep track of foreign visitors' departures.


TSA needs privacy IT tools, IG says

The TSA has made progress in implementing privacy protections, but still needs to beef up its monitoring and enforcement with automated tools, DHS Inspector General Richard Skinner says.


House members to TSA: Don't destroy Registered Traveler data

Two senior House members hit TSA for plans to delete personal data collected by the Registered Traveler program vendor that shut down.


Passenger screening program to collect more data

U.S. airlines will begin collecting passengers' dates of birth and gender when they make reservations under the Transportation Security Administration’s Secure Flight program.


IG fears risks to DHS stimulus money

The Homeland Security Department's inspector general has said DHS should work to mitigate risks that may affect its capability to prudently spend, manage and report on $2.8 billion it got in stimulus money, including hundreds of millions for technology.


Airline crew members get fingerprint IDs

TSA has approved standards for a fingerprint identification program for pilots and other airline crew members.


DHS launches YouTube channel

The Homeland Security Department has a new YouTube channel with links to YouTube videos by FEMA, the Coast Guard and other agencies.


Registered Traveler customers file class-action lawsuit

Two law firms have filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of customers of a private operator of Registered Traveler services that shut down abruptly in late June.


Fate of Registered Traveler data up in air after vendor quits program

TSA appears to be distancing itself from the handling of personal data for a Registered Traveler program that suddenly shut down.


Contract change puts personal data at risk

Thousands of customers are wondering what will happen to the fingerprint and personal data they provided to a Registered Traveler operator who went out of business.


Registered Traveler: Data privacy, security prompts chairman’s inquiry

A House committee chairman is questioning TSA on its handling of personal data for the Registered Traveler program.


Verified Identity Pass shuts down Registered Traveler lanes

Transportation Security Administration declines to comment on closure.


TSA names Garrison-Alexander as CIO

The Transportation Security Administration has has named former senior National Security Agency signal intelligence executive Emma Garrison-Alexander as its CIO.