
IG: Dulles IT security needs more work

The Homeland Security Department has made progress on IT security at Dulles International Airport, but gaps remain, says a new report.


Bill aims to speed frequent fliers through security

The TSA reauthorization legislation passed by the House has a provision that would strengthen the Registered Traveler program, a business group says.


Two biometric systems being tested

The Homeland Security Department has started testing two ways in which government officials, not airlines, could collect biometrics from non-U.S. air travelers as they leave the country.


Audit: TSA has weak IT security controls

The agency took some corrective action in fiscal 2008 but still fell short in critical areas, according to a recent audit.


GAO: Secure Flight improved IT security

The Secure Flight passenger screening program has improved IT security and privacy controls in the last five months, auditors say.


Drapeau: Web 2.0 best practices already surface

Agencies are starting to learn smart ways to use emerging technologies for communicating with citizens and each other.


Web tools can help agencies collect innovative ideas

Web-based applications for soliciting ideas from workers and the public are only as useful and successful as you make them.


Coast Guard softens TWIC rules at ports

The service allows interim measures until May 13.


TSA launches Secure Flight for passengers

After five years, TSA's Secure Flight prescreening system for airline passengers is operational.


IG: TSA database behind schedule

The Transportation Security Administration has fallen behind schedule and had higher costs because of technical problems in developing its Known Shipper Management System database, according to a new report.


GAO: DHS has mixed record on FOIA

Some DHS agencies are falling behind on their Freedom of Information Act requests, while others saw improvement in the past two years, GAO says.


2010 budget adds to DHS immigration programs

The Obama administration has requested a 6.5 percent increase for the Homeland Security Department, which would raise the department’s discretionary budget to $42.7 billion.


TSA checks out systems for waiting time data

The agency wants information on systems to collect hourly data on waiting times for passenger security checkpoints at airports.


DHS gets IT money in stimulus

The Homeland Security Department will get about $2.8 billion from the stimulus package; about half of that money will go for IT-related items such as scanners and surveillance systems.


Senate to vote on Stimulus cut for IT

Sens. Nelson and Collins are promoting an amendment that would cut $83 billion from the stimulus package, including reductions in major IT items.


House again passes traveler redress bill

The House has again passed a measure that would require enhanced redress processes for passengers misidentified by databases or terrorist watch lists.


Deadlines loom for ITIP contract

Bidders prepare to fight for TSA infrastructure contract.


Letter: Airport employees are not beyond temptation

A reader writes to say that it took 13 years after the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the 2001 terrorist attacks to address airport security.