
Agencies hiring more veterans, but progress is slow

Agencies are making progress in meeting the goals of an executive order issued by President Obama last November to encourage the hiring of vets into federal jobs.

Digital Government

Army sets up central medical care site for wounded warriors

A new website is geared toward helping soldiers and veterans who need complex medical care to navigate all the available information on benefits and other resources.

Digital Government

VA blog opens dialogue with vets

The Veterans Affairs Department's new blog is edited by Brandon Friedman, who also is VA director of new media.

Digital Government

DOD, VA consider more integration for EHR systems, VA official says

The Veterans Affairs Department and the Defense Department are seeking to modernize their patient health record systems.


FedScoop, health IT conferences commence

A pair of conferences in Washington get under way and feature government executives speaking about innovation and other IT-related issues.


VA losing ground on GI benefits automation program, IG says

The Veterans Affairs Department is moving to automate the processing of veterans' education benefits, but the program is still vulnerable to performance and cost problems, according to the VA's inspector general.


VA initiative aims to improve communications with veterans

The Veterans Affairs Department is taking a number of steps to maKe it easier for veterans to interact with the agency by phone or via the Internet.


$1B in stimulus money at VA poorly tracked, IG says

The inspector general is taking the Veterans Health Administration to task for gaps in its oversight of contractors receiving economic stimulus law funding.


VA gets visibility with cybersecurity tool

A VA IT official said a new tool that provides an overview of all computers and IT devices on the department's central network should be operating soon.


VA mailed it in on FLITE contract, IG says

The Veterans Affairs Department's FLITE financial system modernization got behind schedule partially because VA personnel missed conference calls with the contractor, according to a new report.

Digital Government

VA completes automating claims processing system

Officials said the VA has sped processing time for new claims under the Post 9/11 GI Bill.

Digital Government

VA, Markle push blue buttons to download personal health data

The Veterans Affairs Department and the Markle Foundation are promoting "blue button" applications that would allow patients to download their personal medical data from providers and insurers.

Digital Government

VA has NHIN pilot project in Indiana

The Veterans Affairs Department is testing how to exchange patient medical data electronically with private hospitals and doctors, this time in Indiana.


MUMPS to be retained for VA VistA system -- for now

Ending months of discussion, the top IT official at the Veterans Affairs Department came down in favor of retaining the MUMPS computer language for VA's electronic health record system.

Digital Government

Industry anticipates MUMPS decision on VA's VistA modernization

Industry members have strong opinions on whether the Veterans Affairs Department should retain VistA's existing computer language is it becomes modernized

Digital Government

VA sees problems in open-source development for VistA

The Veterans Affairs Department is evaluating whether to put VistA on an open-source development path.


VA data breach reports available online

The Veterans Affairs Department invites the public to view its monthly reports on data breaches and on lost and stolen laptops and BlackBerrys.

Digital Government

Baker: VA making progress on lifetime electronic record system

Veterans Affairs Department CIO Roger Baker said the VA is moving on the VLER project and expects a decision by year's end on the VistA modernization project.

Digital Government

VA to test paperless claims processing system

The Veterans Affairs Department will start testing a new paperless system to process disability claims in November.


House shaves funding for Veterans Affairs IT projects

House appropriators plan to decrease funds for the Veterans Affairs Department’s information technology projects because of sluggish spending and project delays.