
Federal 100 winner: Jaren Doherty

Doherty, associate deputy assistant secretary for cybersecurity at the Veterans Affairs Department, has led an extensive, multifaceted computer security campaign that accomplished a tremendous amount in a matter of months.


VA chief stresses leadership for e-records

Shinseki commits to single electronic health record system by September and moving disability claims to electronic processing.


Auditors: DOD, VA need measures to track electronic health record progress

The departments plan to be able to fully share their health information by Sept. 30.


VA agrees to pay $20M in laptop theft case

The theft of a VA laptop and its aftermath in 2006 led to national headlines and stronger computer and data security policies and processes across the government.


Bush appointees linked with company lobbying, report says

Fifteen former Cabinet-level officials in the Bush administration are now working for companies that lobby their former agencies, according to a report from a government watchdog group.

Digital Government

Electronic health record glitch put VA patients at risk

The House veterans affairs panel chairman ties poor management to problems with latest upgrade of the department’s EHR system.

Digital Government

VA: Technology helps monitor patients remotely

Technology provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs used to remotely monitor the health of patients with chronic conditions is successful at reducing hospitals stays, according to a VA-sponsored study.


FedTracker: Obama picks Shinseki for VA

Retired Army Gen. Eric Shinseki will head the Veterans Affairs department in the Obama administration. Shinseki served 38 years in the Army, and was chief of staff from 1999 until his retirement in 2003.