Digital Government

Army eyes food bombing system

Cargo parachutes would deliver nourishment during disasters.

Digital Government

Another chance to touch history

Registration for Bataan Memorial Death march is open.

Digital Government

Hey, your iPad can survive rapid decompression

Electronic flight bags hold up during simulated drop of 43,000 feet in altitude.

Digital Government

Where did the war records go?

Were they too raw?

Digital Government

Message to vets: Talk to each other

Peer therapy can help those who’ve served cope with combat trauma.

Digital Government

Panetta focused on job, not transition

Press secretary declines to feed speculation on Cabinet shifts.

Digital Government

No patient data was lost at Manhattan VA facility

The back-up system for electronic health records worked.

Digital Government

DISA runs low on bean counters

The agency has lost key finance officials.

Digital Government

Please vote

And if you don't...

Digital Government

How much spectrum does a 3-year-old need?

The White House plan pits scientists (and public safety) against consumers.

Digital Government

DISA sets a telework example

About 40 percent of DISA workers worked from home during Hurricane Sandy.

Digital Government

Some good post-Sandy cellphone news

AT&T and T-Mobile share networks, allow roaming after hurricane.

Digital Government

They’re tougher in Massachusetts

It’s easier to reach a fed on the phone in the ravaged Northeast than in D.C.

Digital Government

Hurricanes and Elections

The response to Sandy is unprecedented in this reporter’s experience.

Digital Government

A VA home loan milestone worth celebrating

The Veterans Affairs Department guaranteed its 20 millionth home loan this week.

Digital Government

Army official sidesteps the central issue on disability system

Injured soldiers languish in claims processing system, but the service won’t say for how long.

Digital Government

The Army’s handheld radio war

The procurement is worth billions of dollars.

Digital Government

Tweet the chief

Army chief of staff sets up a Twitter account.

Digital Government

DISA would escape worst of sequestration

Robo-budget cuts could have modest effect agency’s on R&D funding.

Digital Government

Stuck in Twitter coach class

Does the social media tool favor the hip?