Digital Government

Top Pentagon tester blasts JTRS manpack radio

General Dynamics needs to prove it works in the 'realistic' White Sand test environment, memo says.

Digital Government

Remembering Ward Casscells

The Texas cardiologist and one-time top Pentagon doctor died on Sunday.

Digital Government

My debate topic wish list

A veteran’s concerns from rural New Mexico spans the issues.

Digital Government

VA’s PC encryption puzzle

The department has installed fewer than 16 percent of software packages purchased for $6 million since 2006, IG says.

Digital Government

JTRS manpack finally works

The radio flunked tests over the summer.

Digital Government

Junk old surveillance planes and save $100 billion

That’s how much a think tank estimates the Air Force would save by upgrading to more modern aircraft.

Digital Government

NYT’s Sulzburger: ‘The Marines Woke Me Up’

Military service was a world apart from prep school.

Digital Government

Just jammin' in Iran

Iran cuts signal for BBC, VOA, others; no word yet on how Big Bird is holding up.

Digital Government

A ride for life to stop soldier suicide

Brian Kinsella is on a mission to save veterans.

Digital Government

The VA mobile gadget management contract mystery

A tech company without a Web page.

Digital Government

Texas paper chronicles veterans' drug overdose deaths

Autopsy reports and other records expose a hidden pattern of early deaths.

Digital Government

The Almost-Everything-You-Wanted-to-Know iEHR Summit

What will Roger Baker be doing during the summit on interagency electronic health records?