
Social Security Wants a New Way to Manage Access for 330 Million Americans

The agency is considering overhauling its identity credential and access management, or ICAM, system to manage secure access for all users.


HUD Officially Moves to Next Phase of Centers of Excellence Program

After 20 months of analysis under Phase I, Housing and Urban Development announced the first two awards to begin improving the agency’s cloud adoption and customer experience.

Artificial Intelligence

Who Should Lead AI Development: Data Scientists or Domain Experts?

Leaders in and around government debate whether technologists or subject matter experts are better suited to lead the ethical development of artificial intelligence.

Digital Government

Federal Tech Leaders Outline How Agencies Need to Adapt to the Changing Workforce

Old hiring methods and assumptions won’t hold up in the future, according to a new report from the Federal CIO Council.

Emerging Tech

DHS Wants to Know What the Public Thinks About Using Drones During Emergencies

A forthcoming survey will ask people about their knowledge of unmanned aerial systems and how they are used, and their opinions on the ethical implications.

Digital Government

Federal Chief Data Officers Council Names First Chairman

The Agriculture Department’s data lead will take the reins of the new governmentwide council as agencies tick items off their data to-do lists.

Emerging Tech

Policing Reform Bill Would Prohibit Embedding Facial Recognition in Body Cameras

The Justice in Policing Act contains several restrictions on the use of facial biometric technologies for federal, state and local law enforcement.

Digital Government

Watchdog: VA Needs To Include More Specialists in Electronic Health Record Decisions

A new audit found Veterans Affairs’ EHR Councils were set up well and are doing good work, but need better outreach and communication to reach key stakeholders.

Digital Government

CBP Has Seized Nearly 900,000 Counterfeit and Unsafe COVID-19 Supplies

Customs officers have picked up hundreds of thousands of unapproved test kits, unproven medicines and substandard protective equipment.


Lawmaker Wants Hard Details on Agencies’ Plans to Upgrade Legacy IT

Sen. Maggie Hassan gave 10 agencies until August 3 to answer six questions about their modernization plans—or lack thereof.


HUD Employees Saw Few Disruptions In Shift to Mass Telework, Says IG

The COVID-19 pandemic upended some paper-based processes and led to some network bandwidth issues, but the department has weathered the transition well, the watchdog reports.

Emerging Tech

ICE Outlines How Investigators Rely on Third-Party Facial Recognition Services

In a newly released impact assessment, the immigration enforcement agency details its use of facial biometrics and the privacy implications involved.

Emerging Tech

The Air Force’s Platform One Team Thought It Was Agile. Then COVID-19 Hit.

The pandemic pushed the service’s internal DevOps team to hit a 10-updates-a-day deployment schedule for a new secure communications platform.

Emerging Tech

TSA Wants Passenger Self-Screening that Looks Like Grocery Store Self-Checkout

The agency, in partnership with the Science and Technology Directorate, is planning a solicitation to streamline airport security without compromising safety.

Emerging Tech

HHS Proposes ‘IT Control Tower’ to Manage Strategic National Stockpile

The proposal is part of a larger strategy to incorporate the manufacturing, distribution and point-of-care sectors.

Digital Government

Federal Data Strategy Deadlines Shift Due to COVID-19

The team prioritized some items for the pandemic response but extended other deadlines.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon’s AI Center Awards $800M Contract Through GSA Center of Excellence Program

The contract is set to provide artificial intelligence-powered analytics tools to “prepare for future warfare operations.”

Digital Government

HHS Relaxes Data Security and Privacy Enforcement For COVID-19 Test Sites

The agency offered a list of suggested security measures but said it will not be imposing penalties in specific circumstances.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon Shop Wants Machine Learning to Fix Complex RPA Processes

The office does not want new robotic process automation tools or cloud providers, according to a Defense Innovation Unit solicitation.