
Vets Can Now See VA, Private Sector Health Data in iPhone App

Apple’s Health app now integrates with Veterans Affairs’ patient data API, giving veterans access to their medical information on their phones.


Two-Thirds of Air Force’s $5.5B IT Contract Goes To Small Businesses

The General Services Administration announced 75 awards on the 2GIT contract, which is open to all federal buyers.

Digital Government

GSA Extends Bid Deadline for E-Commerce Platform

The agency also answered some pressing questions, such as whether vendors need to have an online store up and running before they bid.

Emerging Tech

Top 60 Finalists For FBI’s Major IT Services Recompete Will Be Announced Soon

The bureau has taken its time crafting the next central IT services contract. But contracting officers say the process is moving toward the finish.

Digital Government

Not Everyone Will Be Posting Opportunities to the FedBizOpps Replacement

Shifting to a new platform with new data structures is difficult, and not all contracting offices will be able to make the change by Nov. 12.

Digital Government

GAO: Workforce Planning Across Government Isn’t Going as Planned

A review showed most federal agencies are implementing parts of GAO’s workforce planning framework while others are ignored due to competing priorities and leadership turnover.


Civilian Vendor Cybersecurity Certification Would Look Very Different From DOD

A civilian counterpart to the Pentagon’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification would need to suit the varying missions across government, according to federal deputy CIO Margie Graves.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Will Still Need Training in the Field, Deputy Defense CIO Says

The Office of the CIO and Joint AI Center are focused on getting AI deployed throughout the military, which will require some significant culture change.


Pentagon Tech Chief Defends Integrity of JEDI Award

The White House had no sway over the $10 billion JEDI cloud computing contract that the Defense Department awarded Microsoft, according to Chief Information Officer Dana Deasy.


First Small Business Gets Cleared to Accept Task Orders on GSA’s $50B Telecom Contract

The first of three small businesses on the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract got its authority to operate, giving agencies an option outside the big telecom offerors.

Artificial Intelligence

Lawmakers, Think Tank To Develop Bipartisan National AI Strategy

Two representatives are teaming up with the Bipartisan Policy Center to work on a national framework for AI development and deployment.

Digital Government

Military Algorithm Can Predict Illness 48 Hours Before Symptoms Show

The program lead says future troops might be deployed with wearables like watches or chest straps that will know when they are getting sick and how long it will take them to get better.

Emerging Tech

Silicon Valley Rep Calls For Task Force, Legislation on Government Use of Biometrics

Rep. Ro Khanna said Congress should dictate exactly how federal agencies use technologies like facial recognition. But first, the legislative body needs to get properly educated.

Artificial Intelligence

Trump Reestablishes Science and Tech Advisory Council

After lying dormant for almost three years, the president signed an executive order reestablishing the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and naming seven of 16 potential members.


FedBizOpps Will Be Retired After Veterans Day Weekend

The public repository of federal contracting opportunities will be migrated to a central procurement website following a weekend-long “data freeze.”

Emerging Tech

House Committee Votes to Increase Funding for Energy’s DARPA by $2.9B

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee moved a bill to reauthorize ARPA-E with additional funding, as well as new restrictions and oversight.

Emerging Tech

Lawmaker: TSA Should Halt Facial Recognition Programs Absent Formal Policies

The agency said it is working on those policies while the technology is tested through pilot programs.

Digital Government

EPA Rule Will Make Its Custom Code Open Source By Default

As part of the new policy, EPA will create an enterprise code inventory to classify the extent to which all custom-built software will be shared with other agencies and the general public.