Emerging Tech

Border Patrol Agents Might Get Body Cameras to Record Interactions With the Public

The agency is also interested in learning how body cameras could be integrated with its facial recognition program.


How OPM Cut the Paper Out of the Performance Review Process

So far, the USA Performance app tracks more than 35,000 federal employees—a number expected to more than double in 2020.

Emerging Tech

NavalX Innovation Office Really Wants the Navy to Be More Agile

The office is expanding to more cities and publishing iterative playbooks that are as agile as the gospel they preach.

Digital Government

OMB Official: Issues Placing Reskilling Grads Highlight Need to Rethink Payscale

More steps are necessary before the administration's plan to reskill employees truly addresses workforce gaps.


GSA Certifies Two More Vendors Ahead of Task Order Deadline on $50B Telecom Contract 

Two more authorities to operate bring the total to five, with four more vendors waiting to get certified to get a piece of GSA’s massive Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract.


GAO Wants To Know The Best Way To Buy a Modernization Strategy

The agency plans to upgrade its content management and delivery systems, as well as its talent management tools. But first, it needs to decide on the best way to buy a modernization strategy.


TSA’s Cloud Future Will Be A Hybrid of Agency-Approved Services

The agency released its Cloud Strategy 2.0, which calls for a mix of public and private cloud, but only from vendors pre-cleared by TSA.

Emerging Tech

Air Force CXO: We Don’t Have to Delight the User

Colt Whittall, the Air Force’s first chief experience officer, talks with Nextgov about the new role and what it will take to provide a better user experience for airmen.


GSA Opens Bids on Commercial e-Marketplace

The project—which has been called “Amazon for government”—will start with a proof-of-concept with two or more vendors.


Federal CIO Council Turns Customer Experience Expectations On Itself

The relaunched CIO.gov is designed to help federal IT employees better engage with their community.


An Insider’s Take on How to Focus on Government's IT Strengths

From Healthcare.gov to 18F, Ed Mullen shares insights on how APIs and user experience could fundamentally change service delivery.

Emerging Tech

CBP to Deploy Anti-Drone Bubbles Along U.S.-Mexico Border

The agency is fielding six counter-drone systems along the southern border and might soon deploy more, according to the vendor.


VA to Pilot New Scheduling System at Same Ohio Facility that Tested the Last Solution

The Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center in Columbus, Ohio, is set to get another new scheduling system, as VA lets one contract expire and shifts to its new EHR provider.

Emerging Tech

GAO Center to Educate Congress on the Big Picture of Future Tech

The Center for Strategic Foresight plans to give lawmakers a broad sense of what’s coming in the future.


Defense Health Agency Needs Help Consolidating Military’s Health IT Systems

The agency leading the Pentagon’s electronic health records transition is working on a global IT support contract. 


Why It’s So Hard To Write Federal Technology Policy

As OMB's cloud lead, Bill Hunt, leaves his policy-writing role for an agency gig, he spoke with Nextgov about what goes into setting the IT agenda for the entire federal government.


IRS Testing Behavioral Analytics to Verify Online Users

The agency is piloting a proof-of-concept that will track how individual taxpayers interact with its online systems.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Intro Bill to Enhance Not-Yet-Revived Office of Technical Assessment

A group of House and Senate lawmakers want the office to be more responsive and transparent, assuming funding to reinstate it gets through the appropriations process.


Air Force Bids $95M Cloud Contract To Support Unified Cybersecurity Platform

The service plans to pick 15 vendors to support the LevelUP program with cloud-based DevOps platforms.