
What DOD Plans To Do With $9.6 Billion in Cyber Funding

Defense Department cyber leaders explained the 2020 budget request and offered insight into how U.S. Cyber Command is using its new acquisition authority.

Artificial Intelligence

CYBERCOM Seeks Troops Who Can Unleash Artificial Intelligence

AI won’t solve the military’s shortage of cyber professionals but can act as a force multiplier to ease the strain.


More Agencies, New Focus Areas Coming to GSA’s Centers of Excellence This Year

Officials at the fore of the administration’s Centers of Excellence IT modernization program break down the major changes coming this year.


Trump’s 2020 Budget Requests About $11 Billion For Cyber Defense and Operations

The president’s budget proposal asks for more than $9.6 billion for Defense Department cyber operations and just over $1 billion for civilian cybersecurity efforts.

Emerging Tech

U.S. Marshals Want Help Disposing of Virtual Currencies

The service is gathering market research on vendors capable of storing and disposing of cryptocurrencies seized during investigations.


Background Investigations Tech Team Reassigned from DISA to Defense Security Service

By mid-summer, the National Background Investigations Service technical team will be under a new office as part of major shifts in the security clearance process.

Digital Government

2019 Will Be The Year For Building Trust in Government IT, Says Federal CIO

As more services are automated, agencies must keep the public’s trust by being transparent about the algorithms and data being used.

Digital Government

Census’ Big Data Innovation Program Infects HHS with Promising Results

Officials at Health and Human Services took an idea from their colleagues at Census to use big data and public-private collaboration to design systems that can save lives.

Digital Government

The Security Clearance Process Is About to Get Its Biggest Overhaul in 50 Years

Intelligence and human capital officials are about to make the rounds to show off Trusted Workforce 2.0, a framework to completely change how the government makes security clearance determinations.

Emerging Tech

Former Staffers: Revive Congress' Office of Technology Assessment Right or Don’t Bother

There is a lot that could go wrong reconstituting Congress’ technology advisory office. But there’s a lot it could do to help, too.

Emerging Tech

Should ICE Use GSA Schedules for Agile Development or Go Its Own Way?

The immigration enforcement agency is asking industry for advice on using existing contracts or building its own agile development vehicle.

Digital Government

FCC CIO to Get More ‘Significant’ Role

An update to the agency’s organizational rules will give the FCC CIO similar authorities as IT leaders in agencies covered by FITARA.

Digital Government

Previous Incumbent Protests NASA’s $2.9 Billion IT Support Contract

NASA’s main IT services contract has a new name and a new vendor, but the old vendor isn’t ready to bow out.


Senator Seeks Input on Health Care Cyber Strategy

A Virginia senator sent letters to health sector leaders for preliminary feedback on what a national strategy should entail.


Trump Calls For More Biometric Scans, Data Sharing To Stop Terrorism

International travelers can expect to see more facial recognition and other biometric technologies per the latest national security strategy document.

Digital Government

OPM Wants Agencies to Show Their Work on Management Agenda Tech and Data Goals

Annual human capital reviews are coming and agencies have to show progress meeting the administration’s workforce, tech and data priorities.


FDIC’s Top 3 Challenges Are All Tech Related

Among the financial regulator’s biggest challenges, IT modernization and cybersecurity topped the list.

Emerging Tech

The Army Wants Virtual Health Tech That Works Under Any Conditions

The future of war will be more isolated, meaning Army medics need the ability to be present virtually when they can’t get there physically.