
Here’s What Technology Modernization Fund Dollars Are Doing Now

Three projects have awarded contracts so far and two have already spent a combined $6 million to date.

Digital Government

Latest Spending Deal Includes Almost $20 Billion for IT Programs

The spending bills include multimillion-dollar agency projects and governmentwide funding sources for IT modernization and cybersecurity.


Defense Acquisition Guidance Overhaul Will Focus Squarely on Software

The Defense Department shouldn’t be buying software the same way it buys weapons, and the next version of its acquisition guidance should reflect that.

Artificial Intelligence

Analysts: Federal IT Budget Could Top $93 Billion In 2020

Agencies are expected to spend more on cloud, digital services and artificial intelligence over the next 18 months.

Digital Government

GSA, NGA Expand Space-Based Data Offerings

Agencies now have more options when purchasing geospatial data and analytics off GSA’s IT Schedule 70.


White House CIO Needs Contractor to Help with App Development

The Office of the CIO put out a notice on a new five-year contract to assist with all sorts of application management needs.


NASA Picks New Vendor For Renamed $2.9B IT Services Contract

The ACES contract is now NEST, with Leidos taking over the space agency’s central end user IT services contract.

Digital Government

OPM Announces Change In IT Leadership

The government’s human resources department is getting a new CIO and deputy.

Artificial Intelligence

How All-Knowing Smartphones Could Become the Pentagon’s Employee Access Cards

An algorithm will track how employees use their phones, how they walk and even where they go to constantly verify users’ identity.


Agencies: We Have Enough Tech, We Need More Cyber Pros

A survey of federal IT professionals shows which attack vectors agencies are most worried about and what they say they need to defend their networks.

Emerging Tech

Another Major DHS Contract Is Being Recompeted Through GSA

A $100 million U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services modernization and support opportunity will go to IT Schedule 70 contract holders.


Former Official: Throwing More Bodies Into Cybersecurity Won’t Help

In fact, the focus on the cybersecurity workforce gap is leading to more insecurity and the need for more workforce, says a former FBI and intelligence official.


The Navy Needs 2 Tons of Storage Devices Burned to Ash

Researchers at the Naval Surface Warfare Center have a lot of classified information stored on digital devices and issued a solicitation to literally watch it all burn.

Digital Government

How Two Agencies Handled Expired Credentials After Historic Shutdown

Despite agencies reopening, some feds weren’t able to get right back to work due to expired PIV cards and passwords.


Report Finds Feds Tower Over Other Sectors In At Least One Cybersecurity Metric

That includes Fortune 500 and tech companies worth more than $1 billion, according to a new report.

Artificial Intelligence

HHS’ New Emerging Tech Contract Could One Day Compete With Other GWACs

That includes three governmentwide contracts operated by another Health and Human Services office.


Wall Funding Remains In Limbo But Both Sides Argue For Border Security Tech

Democrats and Republicans from both chambers of Congress said they want cutting-edge tech patrolling the border but GOP members of the conference committee say they want physical barrier funding, too.

Digital Government

While You're Watching Super Bowl LIII, DHS and Atlanta Will Be Watching You

Federal and local law enforcement are combining efforts—and technology assets—to secure the biggest sport event of the year.

Emerging Tech

Treasury Department Wants Smart Currency to Combat Counterfeiting

The agency’s printing office is asking for “novel and not commercially available” ideas for embedding tech in U.S. currency.