Digital Government

Clouds and security: Doubts remain



What the mobile revolution means for enterprise IT

Here's how smart enterprise IT shops are preparing for the new age of mobile computing.


6 methods for squashing info turf battles

Confused about how to achieve all that transparency and collaboration? Here are 6 options that can make your organization an open book.


The new CTOs: entrepreneurs in residence

The need to keep up with the fast pace of new technology is prompting many agencies to assign chief technology officers as dedicated lookouts for online opportunities.


CTO resumes shine with entrepreneurial success stories

Many government chief technology officers have an entrepreneurial background.


CTO: Innovation help wanted

The Health and Human Services Department encourages agency employees to think like innovators.

Digital Government

8 ways to tame mobile devices in the workplace

Experts offer tips for controlling costs and securing your agency's mobile devices.

Digital Government

Mobile devices roam the digital Wild West

Some government offices are centralizing mobile management to reduce costs and security risks.


Extreme makeover: Cutting data centers down to size

Under new pressure to curb data center spending, agencies must decide whether it's better to remodel old or build new data centers to keep up with growing IT demands.


How to decide whether to retrofit or replace your data center

Answering these questions can help you decide if it's better to remodel your old data center or build a new one.

Digital Government

The benefits of speaking with one voice

An agencywide approach to citizen engagement services can yield many benefits.

Digital Government

Getting help with online communications

Agencies can tap many resources to learn how to improve service. Here are a couple of them.


3 must-do's for agencies to improve citizen engagement

The proliferation of government Web sites and other means of contact does not always result in better service for people, so agencies need to try new approaches.


Spelling out protections

Here are some key excerpts from the final draft of Los Angeles’ contract with Google and Computer Sciences Corp. for cloud computing services.


5 must-haves for cloud computing contracts

Experts share their tips for negotiating cloud computing agreements that protect agencies' interests and data.


5 pitfalls that derail EVM success

Earned value management is here to stay as a project management tool. But too many agencies still make common mistakes when using it.


Does 'early and often' work for software?

A growing number of agencies are using agile development techniques to produce better software faster, but some question whether the approach can succeed in an environment that favors certainty.


Software development smorgasbord

There are several variations when it comes to alternative software development approaches. Here are definitions of some of them and other key concepts.


5 traps that can spoil virtualization savings

The savings that executives bank on with server virtualization do not always materialize. Here are the five biggest cost drains agencies can run into and how to keep them from sinking anticipated virtualization savings.