
Build a better test for your emergency response systems

There are a variety of techniques and tools that agencies can use to get the most out of the time and money they spend testing their emergency management systems.


Independent evaluations

Eastern Kentucky University independently evaluates how well commercial incident management software meets the criteria of the National Incident Management System standard.

Digital Government

How to get telework right

Federal Computer Week convened a virtual roundtable with three telework program managers that run some of the most successful programs in government to find out what works with new telework programs — along with the major remaining stumbling blocks.


6 steps to cutting the cord with departing employees

NASA uses a check in/check out de-provisioning checklist that invokes six inter-departmental actions that cut off outgoing workers from networks, applications, e-mail accounts and other agency resources.


Four years, many changes

Provisions of the Real ID Act have been a moving target.


Real ID: States chase moving target

In the face of shifting deadlines and requirements, states are struggling to comply with the Real ID Act for making driver's licenses more secure.


Real ID compliance score card

Twenty-six states have enacted legislation that indicates their intentions regarding compliance with Real ID.


Cloud computing: Is it secure enough?

Government officials should start now to understand the security implications and begin taking steps to protect their organizations as they adopt the cloud computing model.


How to make the most of your COOP investment

Managers are finding new ways to protect their computing resources in an emergency without paying for idle capacity that doesn’t contribute to daily operations.


Two alternative approaches

Here are two approaches to data sharing that seek to get the right people connected to the right information.


Intelligence community wrestles with Web 2.0 tools for information sharing

A new policy calls on homeland security officials to make intelligence and law enforcement data easier to share by making it more discoverable. Here's how the systems might work.


Government to go

Government agencies are launching special versions of their Web sites designed to load quickly on the small screens of mobile phones and other handheld devices.


Mobile do’s and don’ts

Government agencies are launching special versions of their Web sites designed to load quickly onto the small screens of mobile phones and other handheld devices.


Who else is going mobile

Here are some of the states and agencies that have created Web sites tailored to mobile users.


Circling the wagons

To make the most of dwindling budget funds, state and local governments are collaborating on homeland security projects.


Tips for tough times

Agencies have several options to stretch homeland security dollars.


Other tips for virtualization success

Experts offer tips for maximizing your server virtualization.


6 tips for server virtualization

Adopters count careful planning and reconfigured storage systems among the top keys to success.


Certified for security

Agencies should know how many employees at managed-security service providers carry certifications.

Digital Government

Closing a security gap

Managed security services can be a good way to counter evolving cyberthreats, but agencies need to guard against hidden costs and performance shortfalls.