
DHS Contract Expands Anti-Hacker EINSTEIN Protection to Every Agency

The deal was inked to complete a goal of making so-called EINSTEIN 3A network protections available to all civilian agencies by Dec. 31.


OPM Says Dead Federal Employees Also Need ID Theft Protection

The agency is mailing about 300,000 notification letters addressed to the departed


Pentagon Watchdog: Cyberspace Fighters Need More Resources To Do Their Jobs

The Pentagon Inspector General over the past six months has published at least two classified audits on the Cyber Mission Force Teams.


Lawmakers Want National Security Damage Assessment on OPM Hack

The House version of the 2016 Intelligence Authorization Act mandates a report on whether the hack disrupted overseas operations.


Here's Air Force’s $49.5M Plan to Outsource Cyberweapon and Counterhack Software

SHELTER, the nickname for the mouthful of a project title, is a 5.5-year deal that would add to the Defense Department’s growing arsenal of cyberweapons.


Secret DHS Audit Could Prove Governmentwide Hacker Surveillance Isn’t Really Governmentwide

The intrusion-prevention system, named EINSTEIN 3 Accelerated, garnered both ridicule and praise following the OPM hack.


Chinese, Others Hack Interior Data 19 Times

The incidents are unrelated to a previously disclosed assault on Interior networks connected to Office of Personnel Management systems, the agency says.


State Department Tech Chief Not Plugged Into Cybersecurity at Bureaus

System operators can plug in rogue devices to the department's network without the chief information officer's knowledge, a watchdog report found.


New Pentagon Website Can Tell If You Were Hacked by China

Launched Nov. 17, "OPM Verify" is a public, self-confirmation tool for the 21.5 million victims of the Office of Personnel hack who have not yet received notification letters or need additional help.


This ISIS-Endorsed Encryption Contractor Says It Will Now Screen Who's Buying Its Services

The goal is to stop terrorists from using stolen credit cards bought off the online black market, and entering bogus physical addresses to register for encryption services.


Education Contractor Withheld Data from Cyber Investigators

The company had signed an agreement with the Education Department to provide access to their systems but says the government’s request is too broad.


Here's An Account of Security Holes at the $1 Trillion Education Dept. Bank

Government watchdogs at a Tuesday congressional hearing counted the ways in which the department is putting the identities and finances of students and their parents in jeopardy.