
DHS Cyber Czar, Tech Titans Tell Commerce to Rethink Hacking Arms Control

Reached in 2013, the Wassenaar Arrangement bans multinational firms and cyber vendors from transmitting information about "intrusion software" across borders without first obtaining a license.


Pentagon Investigators to Probe NSA’s Crackdown on Rogue IT Employees

Be it a rogue contractor or an unknowing employee with sloppy login and logoff habits, insiders are a major threat to U.S. secrets, say researchers and federal officials.


OPM Hackers Netted Usernames, Social Security Numbers Years Ago

Federal officials always maintained the attackers -- who nabbed 21.5 million background check records last year -- never obtained personally identifiable information during a breach two years ago.


OPM Still Hasn’t Answered Questions on Background Check Hack, Republicans Say

During a House hearing tomorrow, the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is expected to question a legislative branch liaison from OPM about the holdup and excessive redactions in documents it received.

Digital Government

Obama Dispatches White House Tech Team to Expand Gun Background Check System

Planned upgrades to the $91.5 million, 30-second background check program already are off track.


Pentagon Grants Contractors an Extension on Hack Detection Rules

Companies get an extra year-and-a-half to comply with stronger security standards.


In a First, NSA Advertises Opportunities on of Federal Contracting

The agency posted a special notice to, right before the holidays, advertising work for small companies that develop "innovative technologies."


Hackers Compromise Hello Kitty Fans’ Info, Infect Hyatt & Leak Hot Hollywood Scripts

In case you missed our coverage this week in ThreatWatch, Nextgov’s regularly updated index of cyber breaches.

Digital Government

Has the Obama Administration’s Push on Transparency Run Out of Steam?

At a time when the government is doling out $3.8 trillion annually, taxpayers are still questioning where all that cash is going.


Juniper Hack: DHS Tells Agencies to Close Encryption Backdoors

The government is scouring its IT inventory to identify affected Juniper systems.


Pentagon Bungled Y2K Planning, According to Newly Declassified Docs

If something had gone wrong as the world entered the new millennium, the Pentagon may not have been prepared for the consequences.


Pentagon Chief Didn't Violate Governmentwide Ban on Using Personal Email for Business

Using personal email while carrying out government business is an issue that’s come up repeatedly in recent months.


Cyber Bill Boosts DHS Cyberthreat Sharing but Critics Fear Backdoor to NSA Surveillance

The $1.1 trillion spending bill creates an instant information-sharing regime housed at DHS.


$1.1 Trillion Spending Package Extends ID Protection for Hacked Feds to a Decade

Right now, OPM is only providing a year of financial safeguards to 4.2 million current and former federal employees whose Social Security numbers were compromised

Digital Government

US Considers Using Portable DNA Labs, Iris Scans to Vet Syrian Refugees

The U.S. government is considering a handful of new technologies to strengthen and potentially hasten the screening of Syrian refugees.


New OPM Cyber Czar Worried About an ISIS Hack

Clifton Triplett -- named OPM's first-ever senior cyber and IT adviser last month – says forthcoming access controls will blunt the severity of any future hack.