
DHS Worries More About a ‘Fundamental Attack’ in Cyberspace than Theft, Napolitano says

Executive order is tilted toward protecting critical infrastructure from a network strike that could kill.


DARPA to Turn off Funding for Hackers Pursuing Cybersecurity Research

Cyber Fast Track program underwrites proposals from academics and pranksters alike.


GSA Will Stop Recruiting Cloud Security Testers Until the Fall

Auditing firms have until March 25 to apply for the government’s new FedRAMP certification program.


Sequestration Positions Cyber Command for a Fall

Congress must grant axe-wielders flexibility or Obama must hide programs to protect cybersecurity funding.


Cyber Warriors Will Be Embedded in Military Commands

Civilian, contractor and uniformed staff percentages not yet determined.


NIST Aims to Fix Forensic Investigation Tactics, With Help From the Dutch

The U.S. agency and Netherlands Forensic Institute seek to sharpen the science of evidence analysis outside the trial room.


DHS Notifies Companies, Offers Intel About Ongoing Hacks

The information relates to recent breaches at Apple, Microsoft and other tech firms, sources say.


‘See Something, Say Something’-like System to Power Sharing of Cyber Tips

White House asks intelligence agency for help executing part of its cybersecurity directive.


The PLA, China Telecom and Huawei Golden Triangle

How many degrees of separation are there between the Chinese military and the global network equipment maker?


Administration Bolsters Plans to Counter Cyber Spys

New strategy expands collaboration among agencies and with the private sector.


Sandia Draws From Nuclear Science in Inaugurating New Cyber Lab

Experience with supercomputing, cryptography and self-contained microelectronics design makes the lab a leader in virtual defense systems.


Pentagon will require security standards for critical infrastructure networks

Defense plan was in the works before Obama signed Tuesday’s cybersecurity executive order.


Obama’s cyber executive order lays foundation for mandatory regulations

The directive expands to all critical sectors a Defense Department program that shares classified threat intelligence.


Defense and the intelligence community pursue conflicting cloud plans

Roadmaps for shifting computer work to collaborative online environments follow different construction designs.

Emerging Tech

DNA Backlog Stymies Development of 'CSI'-like Inventions

Obligation to help crime labs relieve bottlenecks of untested samples eats up Justice’s resources.


Prospects for Comprehensive Cyber Reform Are Questionable

Nonetheless, there is bipartisan agreement on the need for better information sharing about threats to critical networks.