
Menu of safety-approved cloud products grows to three

CGI joins Autonomic Resources on the elite FedRAMP-authorized supplier list.


Defense positions a military cyber squad on DHS turf

Computer security experts react to Cyber Command proposal with optimism, blunted by reality that attacks are hard to foresee.

Digital Government

U.S. agents rescue sex slaves through data fusion

Software that connects phone calls, money and old cases leads ICE to victims of human trafficking.


ICE gives thousands of employees <span>i</span>Phones for work and play

Agency began distributing secured government-owned Apple devices after discontinuing a BlackBerry contract.


FBI to start querying national iris index this year

The bureau’s $1 billion biometric rolodex for tracking criminals is 65 percent complete.

Digital Government

FBI and DHS team up to nab border intruders with iris recognition

Feds to build upon controversial immigrant fingerprinting program with eye pattern matching.

Emerging Tech

Homeland Security looks to fast-track technology development

Officials ask inventors whether ‘rapid prototyping’ over a two-year schedule could work for border security and other innovations.


DHS warns of password-cracker targeting industrial networks

Researchers publicized the hacking technique before alerting authorities or the manufacturer.

Digital Government

Military cyber assault testing yields real-life data leaks, report says

Pentagon lacks ‘sufficiently advanced cyber defensive tactics’ to counter adversaries.

Digital Government

Big data meets Big Brother in the passenger screening line

TSA considers vetting travelers by analyzing personal behavior gleaned from diverse commercial sources.

Digital Government

Pentagon cyberwarriors to unload some defensive tasks to big data

DARPA wants machines to collate streams of information to free humans for judgment calls.


New Jersey invites vets to compete for cyber residencies at key institutions

Gaming competition for enrollment in community college cyber institute starts on Tuesday.


FBI posts Google map of bank heist photos so locals can finger the perps

The new website is aimed at deterring robberies and curbing gun violence, feds say.


Defense law aims to preempt software supply chain attacks

Pentagon officials must provide regular briefings on cyber operations and the evolution of Cyber Command.


Postal Service to host cloud-based public-private ID protection network

USPS test could pave the way for governmentwide embrace of National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace.