
Industry criticizes Pentagon PKI practices

Defense officials say they're revamping their PKI policy in light of an industry consortium report that sharply criticized their practices


NMCI outsourcing director leaving

David Litchfield, one of the Navy's key civilians in charge of implementing NMCI, is leaving the program office


OSD turns to seat management, Lockheed

Office of the Secretary of Defense officials used procurement reform provisions in negotiating a seat management contract with Lockheed Martin Corp.

Digital Government

Pentagon Y2K chiefs land in industry

Four of the chief DOD officials who led Year 2000 rollover efforts have retired from government and are working for IT companies


Dot-com shakeout affects Langston

Former Pentagon deputy CIO's oneyear tenure as the No. 2 executive at a California dotcom may come to an end soon


DOD pushes performance

The Defense Department is ordering contracting officers to make performance-based payments the primary form of financing on at least 25 percent of deals of at least $2 million come Oct. 1, furthering Pentagon efforts to use commercial buying practices.

Digital Government

IT-21 headed for merger with NMCI

The Navy is closer to its goal of folding its architecture program for shipboard systems IT21 into its ashore seat management initiative NMCI

Digital Government

Reserves push NMCI 'light seat'

Naval Reserve officials don't see themselves fitting into any of the three options the NMCI contract offers for desktop services

Digital Government

Contractor downplays NMCI delay

EDS' assumption of responsibility for the Naval Air Systems Command's PCs, networks and servers has shifted from Dec. 15 to Jan. 12

Digital Government

Task force shaping view of air threats

A unique task force is working on recommendations that would help weave data from the individual military services into a cohesive view of air threats

Digital Government

Marines developing logistics portal

Marine Corps logistics officials have identified as many as 10 legacy systems to be retired and are developing a prototype for a logistics Web portal

Digital Government

Marine recruiters get notebook PCs

The Marines became the last of the armed services to give its recruiters notebook PCs, but they don't think the machines will transform the recruiting process

Digital Government

Mac users don't have seat at NMCI

EDS is not offering support for Apple's hardware or operating system under its eightyear NMCI procurement

Digital Government

Pacific Fleet's IT-21 completion delayed

The Navy's shipboard systems modernization program will not be completed in the Pacific Fleet until fiscal 2005, the fleet's commander said


General adds voice to seat management

During the AFCEA conference in Honolulu, an Air Force fourstar general gave the service's strongest public endorsement yet to seat management


DOD network attacks level off

The number of detected attacks on unclassified DOD networks has leveled, according to JTFCND commander, speaking at the AFCEA AsiaPacific conference


Navy awards reverse-auction contracts

Naval Supply Systems Command officials tapped two vendors for software and services to support reverse auctions


Checked into Spawar's fold

Transfer of Naval Reserve Information Systems Office designed to cut inefficiencies

Digital Government

Spawar commander to retire by summer

Rear Adm. John Gauss, who has helped lead the Navy through its shipboard systems modernization program, plans to retire by summer


DOD extends contracts for digital radiology

Defense Department officials have given the goahead for the third option year of a contract for their flagship program to make radiology digital in military hospitals.