
DOD remains wired to a future Net

DOD has been conducting a Next Generation Internet pilot program that doesn't include wireless communications


Computer-based exercise joins U.S., Norway

Sailors aboard a Navy ship conducted a computerbased training exercise last week with Norwegian counterparts thousands of miles away


Navy assessing intranet outside U.S.

The Navy is conducting a business case analysis to expand NMCI to its installations outside the continental United States

Digital Government

Navy ship LANs to run Gigabit Ethernet

To ease administration and speed data, the Navy has decided to use Gigabit Ethernet to run shipboard networks


Navy tardy in Web-enabling apps

The Navy has been slow in transferring its applications to the World Wide Web, according to a former Pacific Fleet commander, who said the service also trails industry in remaking its business practices to save money and boost performance.


Navy, Marines miss latest DMS deadline

The Marine Corps and Navy missed the Sept. 30 deadline to shut off access to Autodin, an aging communications network for sensitive and classified messages


NMCI gains momentum

At least one management headache is out of the way. Despite spending millions of dollars on the Navy Marine Corps Intranet procurement, none of the three losing bidders protested the Navy's Oct. 6 award to Electronic Data Systems Corp.


Commercial push renewed

The Pentagon's Nov. 6 announcement that it is revising regulations governing the purchase of commercial products for information systems doesn't break new ground so much as confirm trends in procurement, according to military officials.


Pentagon commands commercial solutions

DOD has rewritten an acquisition regulation to speed up procurements of weapons and information systems


Navy restricts IT buys

Beginning this month, Navy Department contracting chiefs must assess and pass along to senior officials any waivers for information technology buys that fall outside the Navy's massive intranet program.