Digital Government

U.S. Navy brings British ship into VTC network in Persian Gulf

Federal officials plan to expand the team of experts reviewing agencies' plans to protect their critical computer systems as ordered by President Clinton last year..

Digital Government


KUWAIT VIDEO VALENTINES AND BDA. The 'Third Herd,' homebased at Tinker AFB, Okla., has perfected the MPEG video email greeting card, enabling its personnel to send home to friends and family 20 to 30second video clips of themselves, according to Maj. Amando Gavino, the unit's commander. Staff

Digital Government

Web bridges Gulf for families, troops

BAHRAIN Whatever role the World Wide Web may play in the battlefield of the future, U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf have turned the Web into a powerful tool for communicating with family and friends and getting a taste of home. Military personnel have found that the Web is an ideal medium for kee

Digital Government

U.S. squadron in Mideast uses commercial GPS to enhance navigation

Technicians with the Maryland Air National Guard Fighter Squadron here came up with a novel solution to provide pilots of the unit's aging A10 ground support aircraft with satellite navigational systems.

Digital Government

Marine unit sets up friendly Web base

The more than 1,000 men and women of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit embarked on this amphibious ship operating in the Persian Gulf have turned their home page on the World Wide Web ( into a powerful family communication tool.

Digital Government

At Bahrain's Internet Cafe, U.S. news is just a click away

Hungry for news from home after spending time at sea, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jason Lindsey pages through the Dallas Morning News at the Navy Central Command headquarters compound here..

Digital Government

While in the Gulf, Navy builds PCs on board

ABOARD THE USS CARL VINSON, Persian Gulf Far below the flight deck of this 100,000ton aircraft carrier plowing through the Persian Gulf, Petty Officer Sandy Kearns runs a desktop computer factory, building highpowered 300 MHz PCs from scratch.

Digital Government

Navy forecasters bring local perspective to Persian Gulf

The Navy weather forecasters supporting U.S. flight operations over Iraq have discovered it really helps to have a highpowered, quadprocessor computer to tell them quickly which way the wind blows.

Digital Government


BIG FISH, SMALL POND. Kevin Carroll, former Army CACW[OO] chief and now an acquisition poohbah at the Army Materiel Command, has decided to leave his AMC HQ post for a new job as program executive officer for Standard Army Management Information Systems. His departure is imminent, according to re

Digital Government

DOD maintains stake in key IT programs

Marking its first increase in spending since the end of the Cold War, the Defense Department made a concerted effort in its fiscal 2000 budget proposal to strike a balance between immediate personnel and readiness concerns and the need for investment in future information technologies.

Digital Government

MCI rings up $1B+ telecom pact

MCI WorldCom has captured a potential billiondollarplus contract to supply telecommunications products and services to U.S. troops worldwide, according to a source familiar with the program. Under the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Pay Phone program, MCI will provide pay phones, call

Digital Government

Navy officer in Gulf communicates with family via the Web

Advanced information technology not only gives sailors on the USS Belleau Wood a hightech advantage in one of the world's hot spots, it also offers a lowcost medium to keep in touch with family in the United States.

Digital Government

Budget boosts key Navy IT initiatives

The Defense Department's proposed fiscal 2000 budget, being unveiled today, boosts funding for Navy initiatives to supply its forces with computers and advanced communications equipment.

Digital Government

Army increases stake in battlefield digitization

The Army's fiscal 2000 budget calls for $2.8 billion for its battlefield digitization program, which is designed to connect armored vehicles, helicopters and even individual soldiers on the battlefields of the 21st century using advanced communications and computing technology.

Digital Government

DOD budget goes digital

The Pentagon has not yet reduced its annual budget to a simple computerized spreadsheet, but the Defense Department plans to use the World Wide Web as its preferred method of distribution for its fiscal 2000 budget, due for release on Monday.

Digital Government

Web links forces with families, services

The Navy today launched a program that uses the World Wide Web to make it possible for Navy and Marine personnel deployed away from home to talk with family or to take advantage of counseling, training and other Defense Department human resources services.

Digital Government

Navy intranet stakes raised

The Navy's top officer last week raised the stakes in the service's pursuit to build an intranet to link half a million Navy users around the world by 2001.

Digital Government


DEGEEKING. I have my famed Interceptor mobile unit in San Diego this week for the West '99 conference sponsored by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association and the Naval Institute, where the hot buzz is the Navywide intranet, not the Naval Virtual Intranet. The Navy's Spawar Com

Digital Government

Top Navy chief calls IT key to operations

Advanced communications networks have become essential to the Navy's operational primacy,'' according to the Navy's top officer, who today called for development and deployment of a Navywide intranet to link half a million users around the world by 2001.