Digital Government

Navy still has sights set on own intranet

Top Navy officials today continued to push for speedy development of a naval worldwide intranet that would tie together terminals at all naval installations and on deployed ships in one seamless network.

Digital Government

Y2K pushes U.S., Russia to work on warning center for nukes

The Pentagon plans to dispatch a team to Russia next week to work on a shared earlywarning center designed to preclude any accidental launch of missiles brought on by a Year 2000 bug in nuclear command and control systems.

Digital Government

Hamre asserts DOD will be ready for Y2K

A top Defense Department official said today that DOD will have all of its 2,304 missioncritical computer systems Year 2000 ready by Dec. 31.

Digital Government

DOD to stage governmentwide Y2K exercises

The Defense Department plans to conduct a series of exercises over the next several months to determine how it can best help other government agencies manage any breakdown in the power grid and other critical systems due to Year 2000related computer problems.

Digital Government

Pentagon: "DOD will be ready for Year 2000"

The Pentagon, criticized for lagging in its effort to fix its computers for the Year 2000 bug, plans to announce at a press briefing tomorrow that it will have missioncritical computer systems ready for the new millennium.

Digital Government


DIGIT INSPECTION. C4I folks don't have a lot of troops, tanks or aircraft to inspect, so Air Force Lt. Gen. John Woodward, the new Joint Staff J6, did not at first evince much surprise when, a few weeks into his job as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Henry Shelton told him to '

Digital Government

IT to miss out on Clinton's DOD budget boost, GEIA says

Little of President Clinton's proposed fiveyear, $110 billion increase in the Defense Department's budget will immediately flow down to specific information technology programs, according to an analysis released last week by the Government Electronics Industries and Information Technology Association (GEIA).

Digital Government

Navy: GBS back on track

The Navy said it has fixed problems that delayed deployment of a broadband satellite communications system designed to feed hundreds of channels of information to command ships, carrier battle groups and amphibious ready groups constantly on station in potential world hot spots. The delay in deploy

Digital Government

Boeing IT group on the block

Boeing Corp. quietly has tried to sell Boeing Information Services for at least the past three months, sources inside and outside the company confirmed last week. FCW has learned that Boeing has shopped its federal services business to a number of rival firms, including CACI Inc., Computer Sciences

Digital Government

DOD questions international spectrum fees

The Defense Department wants to ensure it has the worldwide access to the radio spectrum needed to support battle operations, but the Pentagon's top communications official indicated today that DOD no longer wants to pay for its spectrum access abroad.

Digital Government

Vendors bid brand names for Army PC-3

In a battle of brand names that echoes consumer PC advertising, at least five and possibly up to nine industry teams have submitted bids for the Army's Personal Computer3 contract, valued in the $200 million to $300 million range and due for award early next year. The Army CommunicationsElectroni

Digital Government

Sprint wins FTS 2001, Part 1

The General Services Administration on Friday awarded Sprint the first of two contracts under the $5 billion FTS 2001 program, a move likely to reduce prices and shift many agencies to new providers. Dennis Fischer, commissioner of GSA's Federal Technology Service (FTS), said he expects the new Spr

Digital Government

Marines embrace new IT strategy

The Marine Corps plans to pursue an enterprisewide information technology strategy over the next several years based on a standard set of products and services extending from a servicewide intranet to the desktop. Debra Filippi, deputy chief information officer for the Marine Corps, said the servic

Digital Government


OUT OF THE BOTTLE. The Pentagon probably won't meet the oneyear deadline set by CINCPACFLT Adm. Archie Clemins to develop a worldwide intranet. But Defense Department deputy CIO Marv Langston is paying attention. He recently set up a senior steering group to 'look at the policies and procedures fo

Digital Government

Coast Guard raises Y2K warning flag

SAN DIEGO Year 2000 datecode problems in oil tankers could lead to an oil spill in a U.S. port or slow the flow of imported oil to U.S. communities, some of which have 'only a three or fourday supply of oil,'' the Coast Guard's chief information officer said last week. Speaking here at the Nav

Digital Government

Music to his ears

The Air Force's "Sugar Ray" Adames plays his way across the Pacific for DISA's command/control systems

Digital Government

DOD stages Year 2000 war game


Digital Government

Telos nabs $380M Army network pact

Telos Corp. won the Army's $380 million next-generation network infrastructure contract, retaining its position as the service's major local-area network provider until 2003.

Digital Government


Federal Macintosh aficionados have another reason to stay loyal to the Apple Computer Inc. desktop platform: a new operating system. With Mac OS 8.5, which was released last month, Apple is offering speedier performance as well as improved file searching and broader network support.

Digital Government

EDS gets $40M order

Electronic Data Systems Corp. maintained its position as the lead shipboard integrator for the Navy's program to harness the power of commercial networks and computers with a $40 million delivery order to supply 20 or more ships in two carrier battle groups and two amphibious ready groups. The Spac