Digital Government

Sprint's Teague resigns

Don Teague, vice president and general manager of Sprint's Government Systems Division, resigned from the company yesterday to pursue other opportunities, a company spokesman said today.

Digital Government

DOD picks Sprint for data services

The Defense Department today announced that it selected Sprint to provide data communications services under the company's FTS 2001 contract with the General Services Administration.

Digital Government

AT&T lands 3 local pacts for telecom

After being shut out of the government's major longdistance telecommunications program, AT?#038; Amp;T last week captured the General Services Administration's hotly contested contracts to provide local voice and data telecommunications services to federal agencies in three major metropolitan areas. The con

Digital Government

GSA taps AT& T for local service in 3 cities

The General Services Administration announced today that it has selected AT?#038; T to provide local telephone communications services to federal agencies in the New York, Chicago and San Francisco metropolitan areas.

Digital Government

Hackers retaliate after NATO bombing

A group of Chinese hackers defaced the home pages of the departments of Energy and Interior this past weekend, apparently in retaliation for NATO's accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

Digital Government

FTS 2001 transition takes center stage

KANSAS CITY, Mo. Not surprisingly, much of the discussion at the General Services Administration Federal Technology Service Network Services Conference '99 held here last week focused on the transition from the FTS 2000 longdistance telecommunications network to its successor, FTS 2001. Hundred

Digital Government

DOJ approves Bell Atlantic, GTE merger

The Justice Department today approved the merger between Bell Atlantic Corp. and GTE Corp., with an agreement by the companies to get rid of their overlapping cellular and personal communications service (PCS) wireless businesses.

Digital Government

EPA picks Sprint as telecom provider

Officials from the Environmental Protection Agency this week notified the General Services Administration that the EPA had selected Sprint to provide its voice and data services under the FTS 2001 contract.

Digital Government

Bill would open Y2K sked to state, local agencies

Rep. Tom Davis (RVa.) last week introduced a bill that would permit state and local governments to buy hardware, software and support services from the General Services Administration schedule to address the Year 2000 problem. A spokesman for Davis said the Year 2000 Compliance Assistance Act, H.R

Digital Government

Payne shows the depth of a salesman

Jim Payne, assistant vice president for FTS 2000 at Sprint's Government Systems Division, did not always want to be involved in sales. But it occurred to him that he had the knack the day he sold five pairs of shoes to a chimpanzee. In the late 1960s, Payne was working his way through Georgetown Un

Digital Government

HCFA to outsource 4,000 desktops

The Health Care Financing Administration plans to become the first major federal agency besides agencies that manage outsourcing pacts to turn over its desktop support responsibilities to a private vendor. HCFA late last month submitted a task order to outsource hardware and software support

Digital Government

DOT chooses MCI for FTS 2001

The Transportation Department last week announced that it had selected MCI WorldCom to provide voice, data and Internet services through its FTS 2001 contract with the General Services Administration. An MCI spokesman estimated the award's value at up to $160 million over the eight years of the con

Digital Government

FAA comm slashed

Telecommunications managers at the Federal Aviation Administration are scrambling to cut $82 million from their fiscal 1999 budget despite criticism that the cuts cannot be made without an impact on critical services to make up for a funding shortfall largely brought on by a pay raise for air t

Digital Government

Federal IT community 'gives something back'

The federal information technology community is becoming more civicminded, if a recent series of charity events serves as an indication. The industry has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars this year through blacktie gala receptions, silent auctions and a fashion show. Recipients of the givin

Digital Government

MCI captures DOT telecom business

The Transportation Department today announced that it had selected MCI WorldCom to provide voice, data and Internet services through its FTS 2001 contract with the General Services Administration.

Digital Government

USDA telecom picks MCI

The Agriculture Department announced last week that it selected MCI WorldCom to provide longdistance voice and data services through the company's FTS 2001 contract with the General Services Administration. Keith Jackson, the USDA's associate chief information officer for telecommunications servic

Digital Government

AT&T's big gamble

Pushed by the loss of several key federal contracts, the last division of AT?#038; Amp;T to operate in a protected competitive environment has entered the roughandtumble world of postreform telecommunications. It's a new world where agencies are free to choose providers, where margins are slim, and losers

Digital Government

MCI apparent winner of DOD telecom prize

The Defense Department last week tapped MCI WorldCom as its longdistance telecommunications service provider under the General Services Administration's FTS 2001 program, the company confirmed. Diana Gowen, executive director of DOD and national information infrastructure programs at MCI WorldCom

Digital Government

Bell Atlantic adds voice recognition tech

Bell Atlantic Federal plans to announce the availability of a new voice recognition telephone directory system at this week's FOSE '99 conference. The new product, Connect@once, will allow federal users to call into a central phone number and speak the name of any user on the system. Connect@once w

Digital Government

Panel: Changes can lure IT labor

The federal government can attract muchneeded information technology professionals by posting more job opportunities electronically and by offering tuition to students in exchange for a work commitment, according to preliminary recommendations by an interagency task force. These and other recommen