Digital Government

DOT offers agencies option for security

Anticipating a shift in focus toward security services and away from Year 2000, the Transportation Department plans to establish an office that will offer agencies governmentwide security services ranging from risk analysis to how to recover from a cyberattack. DOT's Transportation Administrative

Digital Government

Interior picks MCI for telecom

The Interior Department has signed MCI WorldCom as its provider of longdistance telecommunications service through the General Services Administration's recently awarded FTS 2001 contract. Jim Dolezal, chief of telecommunications systems at Interior, said he made his decision after meeting separat

Digital Government

VA switches network business to FTS 2001

The Department of Veterans Affairs has decided to use the General Services Administration's FTS 2001 network as the vehicle that will replace the department's nationwide data network contract which expires later this year.

Digital Government

Interior picks MCI as FTS 2001 telecom provider

The Interior Department has signed on with MCI WorldCom as its provider of longdistance telecommunications service through the General Services Administration's recently awarded FTS 2001 contract.

Digital Government

Vendors display converged net technology

The buzzword at the ComNet '99 conference late last month in Washington, D.C., was 'convergence,' with many exhibitors announcing and demonstrating products aimed at running voice over the Internet and other data networks. Vendors said they are seeing increased interest in these products among fede

Digital Government

CEO dies in plane crash

Ed Fernandez, president and chief executive officer of Sherikon Inc., Chantilly, Va., was killed last week when the private plane he was piloting crashed in Shannon County, Mo., during a crosscountry trip. Fernandez founded Sherikon in 1984 as a consulting company specializing in engineering, info

Digital Government

MCI rings up $1B+ telecom pact

MCI WorldCom has captured a potential billiondollarplus contract to supply telecommunications products and services to U.S. troops worldwide, according to a source familiar with the program. Under the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Pay Phone program, MCI will provide pay phones, call

Digital Government

VA aims to boost claims processing

The Department of Veterans Affairs' budget submission calls for increased spending on electronic claims processing and outlines new projects related to information security, computer-based training and automation of VA loan processing.

Digital Government

MCI wins in Round Two of FTS 2001

The General Services Administration this month selected MCI WorldCom as the second contractor on the $5 billion FTS 2001 contract that will provide the federal government with longdistance services and save taxpayers billions.

Digital Government

GTE to sell government group

Telecommunications vendor GTE Corp. announced today it plans to sell off its Government Systems subsidiary as part of a corporate effort to refocus its business lines.

Digital Government

Rivalry forming over FTS 2001 transition

While vendors on the General Services Administration's Technical and Management Support (TMS) Services program expect a huge boom in business thanks to the forthcoming transition to FTS 2001, they may be up against some unexpected competition from the Transportation Department's Information Technology Omnibus Procurement and the newly awarded ITOPII.

Digital Government

Sprint wins FTS 2001, Part 1

The General Services Administration on Friday awarded Sprint the first of two contracts under the $5 billion FTS 2001 program, a move likely to reduce prices and shift many agencies to new providers. Dennis Fischer, commissioner of GSA's Federal Technology Service (FTS), said he expects the new Spr

Digital Government

Bell Atlantic tweaks pricing, ordering for DOD telecom

Bell Atlantic Federal last month revised the pricing and ordering procedures on the Defense Department's Telecommunications Modernization Project contract a move DOD officials said will save $3.7 million a year and shave weeks off procurement cycles. The company announced its Tempo Affinity Progr

Digital Government

AT&T disconnects vintage net service

AT&T officials told agencies last month that the company will no longer offer a 20yearold packetswitching telecommunications service to federal users of the FTS 2000 contract and will not upgrade the existing service for Year 2000 compliance. A spokeswoman for AT&T Government Markets said the co

Digital Government

Small is big at Comdex

LAS VEGAS - With thousands upon thousands of products vying for the attention of those attending the Comdex Fall '98 conference here, some vendors managed to grab the spotlight by making their products smaller.

Digital Government

GSA close to awarding FTS 2000 contract extensions

General Services Administration officials said last week that they were on the verge of awarding extensions to AT&T and Sprint to allow the FTS 2000 vendors to provide longdistance service for up to two years after the FTS 2000 contract expires in three weeks. Sandy Bates, deputy commissioner of G

Digital Government

Taking the high road to success

Kimberly Jenkins has been through some surreal experiences during her 15year career in information technology. For example, she recalls the time computer maverick Steve Jobs visited her home and skated around her living room. She has guided Sen. Bill Frist (RTenn.) on a virtual tour of the human

Digital Government

Telecom in the red

According to internal General Services Administration documents, FTS 2000, the mandatory contract for federal voice and data services, was the only contract of six longdistance telecommunications contracts to make money in the first 11 months of fiscal 1998. The FTS 2000 longdistance program made

Digital Government

AT&T, GSA fight over millions

Officials from AT&T Government Markets and the General Services Administration believe each owes the other millions of dollars as a result of contract disputes arising from changes in service during the last price and service recompetition of the FTS 2000 contract. Sources close to the negotiations

Digital Government

DOD vs. GSA: The two faces of EC emerge

The Defense Department this month plans to test a World Wide Webbased search engine that will provide a single point of entry for vendors searching for business opportunities across the entire department, even though a group of civilian and military agencies also is working to take a similar syste