
GPO Joins Facebook


NOAA Seeks a New Supercomputer

Digital Government

FAA teams up with JetBlue to advance NextGen

Low-cost carrier to install advanced avionics on jets, and agency to monitor cost savings.


White House e-Mail Goes Down

Digital Government

Social media tends to be a one-way communication for FEMA

The tools are one way to get the message out about disasters, said George Haddow, who served as deputy chief of staff at FEMA under James Lee Witt, FEMA administrator during the Clinton administration.


Egypt Restores Internet Services

Digital Government

Record demand for information brought down Weather Service website

On Monday night, NWS replaced some outdated equipment with parts officials had intended to install in March. The site remained slow Tuesday but was operating near full capacity Wednesday as traffic to the site dropped.


Looking for a Few Good Cyber Warriors

Digital Government

Report: Agencies face challenges in delivering open government

Outdated website software, privacy worries and a shortage of funding have delayed implementation of President Obama's initiative.

Digital Government

State Department's use of social media in Egypt gets mixed reviews

Experts disagree about how effectively the State Department is using social media to understand and influence the public uprising in Egypt.


Egypt: Off the Map


Ford Invests in Talking Cars


App Makes Tracking Tax Refunds Easier

Digital Government

GAO reports problems with IRS' new e-filing system

IRS officials told GAO that tax preparation services might have stopped using the modernized filing system because it generated more technical errors and return rejections than the legacy system.


FCC moves ahead on nationwide broadband system for first responders

Commission approves proposed rule to establish interoperability standards for public safety communications network.


Car Talk


Administration given so-so grade on cybersecurity

Private research firm assigns Obama high marks for commitment to protection but lower scores for speed and follow-through in agency collaboration.


NASA Has An App for That

Digital Government

Transportation tackles distracted-driving problem using videos

Agency unveils two new messages on its 'rampage' to end deadly practice that has been rising in age of mobile technology.