Digital Government

Building Excitement at HHS


Aussie Auditor Advises Rethinking E-Security

Those worried the U.S. government isn't mobilizing fast enough to protect computer networks might take some comfort from a story out of Australia.

Digital Government

Census must change to survive

Director says costs are outpacing the bureau's resources.


FCC Live Tweets Phillies-Giants Game


Congress Having Voicemail Problems

Digital Government

Lawmaker pushes for safer pilot licenses

Despite mandate, FAA has yet to require photo or biometric-capable ID cards for commercial pilots.

Digital Government

UK Health System to Expand Online Presence

In the future, medical patients in the United Kingdom will be able to login on a computer to make choices about the care they will receive, keep track of their treatment, and select which medical professional they want to see.


Social Networking Lessons from the 'Biggest Little City'

<a href=> Reno, Nev.,</a> calls itself the "The Biggest Little City In The World," but although it has a population that's just a fraction of another Nevada casino destination, <a href=>Las Vegas</a>, it has about four times as many fans on Facebook.


School District Settles Suit Alleging It Spied on Students

A suburban Philadelphia school district has settled a lawsuit that accused the district of spying on students by secretly activating their webcams.


Cyber czar: Threat protection is a shared responsibility

Government, the private sector and users all must work to protect networks.


Feds Snooping Social Media Sites?

Digital Government

Airline industry and FAA vow cooperation on multibillion satellite program

Collaboration and information-sharing are at the heart of NextGen, says agency official.


Double the Data Centers


Tennessee Town Blocks Facebook From Employee Computers

The City of Cleveland, Tenn. is removing computer games and blocking social networking sites, such as Facebook, from city-owned computers.


New York City Launches Apps Contest

Have a great idea for a mobile or web application using New York City data? Well it could win you a prize of up to $20,000.


Parents Overwhelmingly Want Opt-in

Nearly 90 of parents nationwide would support a law requiring online companies get their opt in before using their personal information for marketing, a new poll has found.


State Department supports boosting women's cell phone access in developing nations

Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair launch an initiative to increase mobile access, which typically provide greater economic and social benefits.


$1 Trillion Savings from Tech?

A group of corporate technology executives has developed a <a href=>plan</a> that they say can reduce the federal deficit by $1 trillion over the next ten years while enhancing citizen services.

Digital Government

E-Health and Privacy

With the push for e-health records, "not everyone is taking the proper steps to de-personalize the data and protect patients."